We frequently hear the term "whacko environmentalists" when listening to such shows as the Rush Limbaugh Show. Now, this term can apply to a great many kinds of environmentalists. It could apply to people and their cars, how people waste the earth's resources and how we recycle. Let's look at all these issues, shall we?
Let's start with cars. Basic physics tell us that a vehicle that is bigger and heavier is likely to absorb more impact energy in a crash than a small vehicle would. For example, someone driving a Ford Crown Victoria getting in a wreck with a Toyota Corolla is likely going to suffer less damage because the Ford is heavier. It can absorb more impact energy. Well, the Ford is obviously going to use more gas because it is bigger and heavier. Now, the Toyota, and other small cars in general, can be made to be safer despite their size. And, that's a good thing. However, there is still that pesky problem of physics. The heavier car is still going to come out in better condition in a wreck with a smaller car. So, one can say that, in some respects, a bigger car/truck/SUV can actually be safer. I drive a good sized vehicle, a 2004 CHevy Impala SS (pictured above) and a 1991 Subaru Legacy (about the size of a Honda Accord) and I feel pretty safe in both vehicles. They get decent gas mileage, I am generally pleased with the mileage.
The environmentalist perspective is that bigger cars use more gas, and that's bad for the environment. Well sure, they may get worse gas mileage, and, that is not good for the environment. However, look at what the vehicle is used for. For example, if you have a large family driving a GMC Yukon XL (basically a Suburban, pictured above), that's appropriate for them. They have a large family, why should they drive a smaller car that gets better mileage and can hold/haul less people? Does it make sense for a large family to use two cars to haul their family around (assuming they are smaller, more fuel efficient cars) when they can all just go in one car and conserve fuel that way, even though the one vehicle uses a lot of gas? What I'm saying is, look at what the vehicle is used for. If a single person is driving around in a suburban, sure, that's kind of wasteful, but, that person has the right to drive what they wish. I suppose environmentalists would love the government to force us to drive only economy cars?
Now, just because you drive a big rig, whether an SUV, Truck, or Large car, doesn't mean you can't get good mileage, for that car. There are many things you can do to help improve your gas mileage and conserve fuel for that car. For starters, try to do all your errands at once. Do them all at the same time, don't rush home, then remember you forgot an errand and run back to town and go back and forth several times. Make a list, get everything at one time. That will save unnecessary trips and save gas and put out less pollution than if you ran around all day. Next, check the air pressure in your tires first thing in the morning before you actually drive your car for the first time that day. Making sure you have the proper air pressure in your tires can help save gas and improve mileage. Sure, maybe not by much, but, every little bit helps! It all adds up baby! Another trick you can do is, try using those fuel additives. They make those for a reason you know. You have some that are just Gas Treatment that help to keep your engine clean, there are some that are specifically for the Fuel Injectors, some for the Fuel System and others that are Octane Boost. All of these can help you get better mileage by keeping various parts of your vehicle's engine clean. If they're cleaner, your car runs better, and, spews out less pollution. If it runs better, you get better mileage per gallon. Sure, maybe not that much, but, it all adds up! Use them regularly too! This will save gas, and, help keep your car from putting out that much more pollution, henceforth, cleaner air for all of us!
Next, get a tune up on a regular basis! I was initially told every 15,000 miles by my Subaru dealer. I understand now that you can go longer, but, I still go by the every 15,000 miles rule! If your car is properly tuned up regularly, it will run more efficiently, it will save gas, cut down on pollution, and be more reliable. It might cost you a bit, but, it's good maintanence and it does your car, and the environment good too! On top of this, make sure and do your regular maintanence stuff too; such as the 30,000; 60,000; 90,000 and 120,000 and beyond scheduled maintanence visits. It keeps your car running good, you'll get good mileage and cut down on pollution in the air! Get your wheels aligned once a year too. That will keep your tires in good shape, you'll get the most life out of your tires, and, it should help in the mileage department if only a little. Remember, it all adds up!
Now, regarding waste. Don't be wasteful with the earth's resources. Try to turn off lights when you're not using them. Using those spiral light bulbs really do help save electricity! Sure, they're tough to get used to at first, give them a couple of minutes to "warm up" and then you will have some bright light! The bulbs may cost more than conventional bulbs, but look at the difference: regular bulbs last, usually, about 750 hours. Spiral bulbs last about 6,000 hours. Hmmm, tough call! Next, try saving water sometime. Watering your yard and plants in the early morning or evening when it's cooler out. If you do it when it's hot out, how much of that water is evaporating befor it gets a chance to do any good? I mean really, how can it truly do any good if it's in the high 90's out? Try walking to do your errands more if you are in a position to do so. If you live in town, why not just walk to work if you're able to? You'll save gas, save pollution, relieve congestion on the roads and get some exericise. Good deal all the way around! Car pooling is a good way to save gas too. If you ride in a car with three other people, then obviously there's three more cars that are not on the road spewing pollution, wasting gas and causing a traffic jam.
Now, as for recycling. A lot of landfills are filling up. Eventually, where are we gonna put all the garbage? Shoot it out into space? Ok, how much will THAT cost you? Do you think the garbage companies will just take the hit for that? Don't be a fool! They'll pass the cost onto you! So, recycle where you can. Recycle any paper item that's reasonable. I even recycle my junk mail! How sick is that?! I, of course, shred stuff that may have personal info on it like credit card statements and that kind of thing where someone could steal my identity. As should everyone. But, otherwise, I recycle just about everything else. If someone wants me to renew a subscription for a magazine and I choose not to, I recycle the whole renewal. If someone wants to find me that bad, let 'em. In any case, recycle all you can. Newspapers, junk mail, card board, plastic, tin, glass, aluminum cans. Any of that stuff. It's less stuff going into our landfills, and, more stuff that we can reuse. All those cans of soup and veggies that you go through? Wash them out, and recycle them. Those milk jugs too! Less garbage in our landfills is a good thing.
I often wonder how much of all these things "environmentalists" do to try to save the earth. Usually, they'll cry at people for the car they drive, then drive something not so efficient themselves. They usually don't practice what they preach. If everyone did their part, we could all make a difference, but, you need to make a personal decision today! What are you going to do to help the environment? How much of an impact do you have currently on the environment? Well, find out at this link http://www.ecofoot.org/ and take the quiz and learn how you impact the environment. It may make you think! Rather than just listening to an environmentalist telling you what you should be doing, why not ask them, "are you doing YOUR part?"