Monday, October 27, 2008

Tolerant Left huh?

By now, avid and voracious readers of my blog (or potentially lack thereof), you've heard about the Sara Palin Effigy, right? If not, please examine the photos. Now, this guy in West Hollywood is calling it "art" and appropriate given that it's Halloween and that we have an election this year. Granted, making fun of policians is ok. I have no problem with that, even Palin and McCain. What I do have a problem with, is how they did it. I do not see this as art. Now, if you see art as conveying a message, then by all means, I guess this could be art. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I like the message. I'm wondering, despite the fact that the guy is arguing "freedom of speech" will the FBI and Secret Service be having a chat with this guy in a very small room with bright lights? Contrary to popular belief YOU DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT! That's not what freedom of speech is, and if that's what you think, you're a moron. You should be steralized so your stupidity can't breed and contaminate the rest of the gene pool. Don't believe me? Find. Go into a crowded theatre and yell "FIRE" or "OH MY GOD, HE'S GOT A GUN!" See if the police department will protect your right to say that freely. I"m thinking, you'll find out rather quickly, you don't have the right to say that.

s for "art for art's sake", let's look at that crap in New York City many years ago. A crucifix of Jesus in a bucket of urine. Art huh? Really? Ok, do that with a small statue of the Prophet Mohammad and see how Muslims feel about that. Or, how about Buddah? Pick any religion. Better yet, how about a small statue of Ted Kennedy? Except it'd be hard alcohol and not urine, he'll produce the urine later when he's so drunk his car drowns someone else and he wets himself when "oh my God, I did it again" hits him. Art? Ok, no problem. Except, the "message" the West Hollywood "artist" seems to be conveying is that McCain is the Devil, or some type of demon I suppose given the fire, and that Palin should be hung. If there's another message there, please, I beg you to justify the image. I'll look forward to your comments below. Please, only intelligent comments. Anything that appears to be stupid, unintelligent, or of the imbred "tolerant" left, will be laughed at hysterically.

The argument of "well, if we'd have done that with Obama and his running mate, we'd have been run out of town" is a good argument. It would have been in much poorer taste to do that. Primarily because blacks were hung with some occurence (to say the least) in the 1800's, and I think it's fair to say, there is still some of that mentality today in the South. Please note, I think this mentality is by far in the minority now, but, nonetheless, it's still there to some degree irregardless of how much in the minority it is. It should not be tolerated. Despite my saying this, some Liberal somewhere will still screw with these words and twist them. Please see imbred liberal comment above, I'll laugh at you.

However, let's say we did do one of Obama and Biden. What would the left say? Would they say it's art? Would they tolerate it? Would they say "get a sense of humor" as many have said about this? I think not. I think, much like usual, there is a double standard here. If this was done with Obama's caricature, I am sure someone from the ACLU (Anti-Christian Lawyer's Union) would be filing a lawsuit for a "hate crime". Well, I say, if it's good enough for Obama, it's good enough for McCain. I think McCain should press charges for a hate crime. After all, any race on this planet can be racist against another. It's not always Whites hating Blacks. It can very well go the other way too. Although, in this case, it is a white guy that put up this atrocity.

So, many Liberals are saying that what Palin is getting is not as bad as what Hillary got when she was running for the nomination. Oh really? So, they went after her husband, her kid, hacked into her e-mail, hung an effigy of her being hung? Oh, that's right, they didn't. So, I guess Liberals, Palin is getting it WORSE than Hillary ever got it. And for them to support this as art, it appears "your problem is obvious" and the below picture above is dedicated to you, guess which one.......

Monday, October 20, 2008

Socialism or Communism?

Recently, Senator Obama was asked by Joe the Plumber why he (Senator Obama) was going to punish him with his tax policy. Senator Obama said he wasn't going to punish him for economic success, but, was going to "spread the wealth" which would benefit everyone. So, the question remains, does Senator Obama want Socialism, or, Communism? Which is it Senator? Because, the Health Care System he wants, as well as other Democrats, will quickly morph into one similar to what Canada has, as well as many European Nations. Granted, they get "free" health care, and in Europe, they get "free" college. But, what is the price of "free"? Well, in Dennakr, "free" is a 50% income tax. In Sweden, it's 60% income tax. In Switzerland, it's 60% and there's a desire for it to be 75%. Now, for those American struggling now, can you afford to lose half your income (50%), for "Free" healthcare? Just curious. Because, if you think only the rich will be paying, you're delusional. Because, please note and feel free to verify, EVERYONE in Europe pays the high income tax rate. Poor and rich alike! So, if we go the route of Socialism, it will be refreshing to see some of these dead beats who pay little or no tax, and who constantly hold their hand out, playing the race card, demanding benefits for nothing in return, to actually start paying their own way! I look forward to that. Why should I, as middle class, continue to pay for these people? They need to begin paying their own way. Contributing to their own care, taking care of themselves. In reality and in fact, this is called "personal responsibility" by most normal Americans.

I am not for Socialized medicine for many reasons. One, between two jobs, I make about $39,000 a year. This is before taxes. Ok, so, my health care costs this year, were about $1500-$2000, max. Now, if we get Socialized Health Care as democrats desparately want, why am I paying $18000 a year for my health care when I clearly use only about 10% of that? Whom am I paying for? Don't listen to this crap Senator Obama says about creating a tax credit of so many thousands of dollars that Americans can use towards health care, or forcing businesses to pay for more of it. If people could afford health care to begin with, do you think they'd get excited about a tax credit for it? They can do that now, how's that working?! As for small businesses. Ok, so, you take an economy that's struggling, and a time when jobs are being slashed due to the weakening economy, and you want small businesses to pay for more of the health care of their employees? Yep, makes sense. They can't afford to keep people on now, so, let's make them pay more for the people they DO have. Great idea Senator. Not that McCain's plan is any better. He also wants tax credits. Here's a thought, any lawyer that brings forth a frivolous lawsuit agains ANY medical professional just to make money, make a name for themself, or because they're bored, they need to be disbarred immediately, and deported from the USA. How about that? I like it. It gets rid of more lawyers we don't need. I think 500 at the bottom of the ocean is not even a good enough start.

Now, Obama's comment about "spreading the wealth" around. Karl Marx believed in that. It's called Communism. The Soviet Union tried that, Cuba still does that. How's that working for Cuba. Oh yeah, great healthcare system in Cuba. Best right? It is if you watch "Sicko" by Michael Moore right? What Mikie doesn't show you is, THE LONG LINES THAT PEOPLE MUST GET IN AND HOPEFULLY DON'T DIE BEFORE THEY'RE SEEN! The rich in Cuban get in right away, cause they're rich. Same as in Britain. If you can afford "health insurance" above the Socialized Medicine, you can go to a private doctor/hospital. Very expensive however.

Now, back to Canada. If the U.S. has such a HORRIBLE health care system, why do all the Canadians come down here for surery? Why do we have deadbeats from other countries come here for treatment and surgery at tax payer expense (I seem to recall joined twins from Iran several months, to a year ago for example)? If our health care system sucks, STOP COMING HERE. If Canada's system is so great, WAIT IN LINE TO GET YOUR SUPERIOR SERVICE IN CANADA! Now, this is what Democrats and Senator Obama want to do for America. McCain is no better. Perhaps it's best to look at Third Parties this year. Do yourself a favor. Before you vote, actually read through some material to see what they want to do. What each candidate wants to do. If you're going to follow blindly and vote like an idiot, please don't vote. I don't want you people screwing up the country any more than you have already.