Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Watch out for his soiled and bloody underwear!

Anti war activist/ also known as the boil on the butt of humanity, is at it again. It would be fine for him to simply just disagree, even get a crowd of people to disagree. But no. Instead, Sean Penn must say something totally weird. Quoting Sean Penn as foudn at this website from fox news: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,261587,00.html. Penn states : " We cower as you point your fingers telling us to support our troops while you and the smarmy pundits in your pocket, those who bathe in the moisture of your soiled and blood-soaked underwear, can take that noise and shove it."

Now, the obvious question is, why is Sean Penn talking about "...soiled and bloody underwear". It sounds like he's talking about someone else's soiled and bloody underwear. My concern is that he's standing by, while someone is apparently soiling themself while at the same time, they've bloodied their underwear. I think this is sick. These people don't need you to point your finger at them and saying these things. You're into helping people Sean, why are you not voluntarily taking them to the urologist? No matter where they're bleeding from, they need to go to a Urologist Sean! How cold and heartless you are!

Further, we are calling un not supportive of the troops because Libs and Demoncrats are saying the soldiers are winning, they can't possibly win, we are the invaders, etc. Don't tell me you all forgot your saying this?! Crap, you've been saying it for the better part of two years! Further, why would anymore, pundits or otherwise, want to swim in the moister of soiled and blood soaked underwear? Seriously? They would run the risk of getting Hepititis A for sure, or, Hep. B or C. Who knows, you may be exposed to HIV as well in that bloody underwear.

Conservatives are talking about cowards and America haters who seem to support world dictators, remember Mr. Penn's trip to Iraq and how Saddam is a good guy after all? Well, instead of coming up with constructive ideas, they seem to rather discuss soiled adn bloody underwear. You've been warned. Please note, you may also see Sean Penn's bloody and soiled underwear on ebay sometime. Especially if he thinks he can raise more money for Demoncrats with it. Be afraid, very afraid. Of Sean Penn's soiled and bloody underwear!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Where's the Media during this double standard?

Have you recently seen the uproar regarding Ann Coulter and her comments regarding former Vice-Presidential nominee, and currently having ambitions to be our president, John Edwards? Well, chances are you have heard about this story. Why? Because the non-Liberally Biased media (read as EXTREME sarcasm) has decided that what Ann has said is SO much more worse than what Bill Maher has said. For those who are not in the know, here's a brief summary.

Ann Coulter recently was asked to discuss John Edwards 2000 run for the White House (as Vice President) for the Conservative Action Conference and she stated that: "it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot." Now this was taken as extrememly offensive, and, on the surface, it absolutely is. Until you put the comment in context. Oh, but the Liberals don't want you to know that. They don't want context, because they you may actually agree with Ann. Here's the context behind the comment. There's a tv show on ABC called "Grey's Anatomy" in which one of the actors used the word "Faggot". Now, this was not on the show, he used it out in public. He ended up going to "rehab" for sensitivity training. No joke. As demeaning as the word is, why must you go to Rehab for it? Is there no such thing as freedom of speech? Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader once told Elementary School Children that President Bush was "dumb and stupid" (when he was Senate Minority Leader) and I don't recall anyone saying that Reid should be more sensitive. Granted, saying "dumb and stupid" is a far cry from "faggot", but, those WERE impressionable young kids. So, Ann's comment relates to an actor, who in his freedom of speech, was punished for expressing himself, derogatory as what he said was. Ann simply was making the comment that if you use certain words, you have to go to Rehab because certain words, despite freedom of speech, are not tolerated. She makes a good point. Why is it that some people must go for saying offensive things, but, black rappers and many black people call each other the "N" word and they are not sent to Rehab for sensitivity training? Now, for the Double Standard.

Bill Maher, on his show on HBO stated: "I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn’t be dying needlessly tomorrow." This was in quote of a blog (Arianna Huffington's) that one of his guests Democratic Senator Barney Frank was discussing. Next, Maher states: "I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact." So, we have a person essentially saying that it would be advantagous for Vice President Dick Cheney to be dead. And by the way Mr. Maher, that's not a fact. That's your opinion. Up til now, most people have been blaming Donald Rumsfeld for the screw up in the war in Iraq. Now that he's out of the way, apparently Dick Cheney is the new target. In any case, we have someone saying that it would be good for the Vice President to be dead because of less soldiers getting killed. No one has asked him to apologize. NO ONE!

Further, Mr. Frank" earned applause when he quoted bloggers saying the bomb was wasted when it missed Cheney." So, the Liberal audience agreed too. Interesting that wishing for the death of a politician is acceptable, but, referring to another as a faggot is inexcusable. Most disturbing is the fact of no coverage of Maher's comments. But, the Ann Coulter story is HUGE news, or, so you'd think. Once again, we have a Liberally biased media. What can you do about it? Simple. E-mail or call the newspapers that report the Ann Coulter story, and make no mention of the Maher story. Cancel your subscription, or, just write and tell them how biased you believe they are. Then, call their advertisers and put pressure on them. However, if you agree with the Ann Coulter story and what she did was wrong, and what Maher said was right, well, guess what? You're biased and you hold a double standard. If a Conservative had said wished harm on a Democrat (or, Demoncrat as Michael Savage likes to call them, and for which I will borrow the term), there would be an uproar! If you support what Maher said, but condem Ann, you're perpetuating a double standard. One was a cultural slur yes. But, at least Ann wasn't wishing death on John Edwards, unlike Mr. Maher on our Vice President. Whom, once again Mr. Maher, you are stating your opinion. There is no proof that Dick Cheney is DIRECTLY responsible for any death in Iraq. You need to blame the Homicide Bombers. They're the ones doing the killing Mr. Maher, or perhaps you have your head shoved up something that doesn't allow you the light of day!

Yes, that's right, I said Homicide Bombers. If they were suicide bombers, they'd be killing just themselves. But, since their goal is to kill as many as possible, including themselves, that makes them commiting an act of homicide, henceforth, homicide bombers. Plus, they believe they will end up with 72 virgins in "heaven" for it. Well, no one said those virgins were women! Have a nice time guys, you may be hanging out with a bunch of guys in heaven.