Libs must be proud of Obama......
So, Libs screamed, bitched and moaned regarding Bush going into Iraq and Afghanistan with guns blazing. They cried about his "you're either with us or against us" mantra and that you can't negotiate with terrorists. Bush warned us if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, the problem would become worse and we would be likely to fight them on our turf, not theirs. Obama pulled out our troops and loudly announced the date of departure. This, despite the recommendation of our generals. Now, here we are with ISIS now running havoc. Obama even referred to them as "the JV Team". Since that time, we've had 4 beheadings. That blood is on Obama's hands now. This was a direct result of his pulling out our troops before he should have, to serve the Extreme Left Base. Then, Obama seemed to scramble to get his head out of his ass to decide what to do. He first began talking about going after them, but not taking them out; as though only hurting them would solve the problem. Once a brain dead lib, always a brain dead lib. Apparently, he was still operating under the delusion that these folks can be minimized or negotiated with.
The words of Bush came back to haunt us, unless you were watching the Liberal News Media, which is everything except Fox and talk radio. Yep, no other stations/sources reported Bush's words. Bush had also, quite clearly, said that we would either fight the terrorists in their land, or ours. And, we hear today about the beheading of a woman and another who was stabbed by a recent convert to Islam named Nolan (last name). And it wasn't all that long ago that ISIS began calling upon Muslims around the world to rise up and answer the call. It has been reported by employees of this individual, Nolan, that he had been fired for trying to recruit others to Islam. So, the call is issued to rise up, and now we have our very own beheading in the US! Wonderful!
And just a couple of days ago, Obama spoke awfully tough about how the only thing that terrorists understood was the use of force; which he did not get permission to do that from Congress. Seems Bush was heavily criticized for his tough talk about terrorists and his use of force and not going to congress; which he actually did. Now, when Obama does it, well, it's just fine and dandy. So, the words of Bush have truly come back to haunt us. We fight them over there, or over here. I would like to thank our ball less, head up his ass president for bringing the fight to our county. Thank you.
I would really like to ask the American people to get their own heads out of these asses soon. We have the mid-term elections coming up in November. People seem to have their heads rammed so far up there, that they tend to develop amnesia when an election comes around. Even if for only a handful of minutes, just long enough to vote, please people, get your head out of your ass. Who knows, you might even enough the fresh air and day light!
The words of Bush came back to haunt us, unless you were watching the Liberal News Media, which is everything except Fox and talk radio. Yep, no other stations/sources reported Bush's words. Bush had also, quite clearly, said that we would either fight the terrorists in their land, or ours. And, we hear today about the beheading of a woman and another who was stabbed by a recent convert to Islam named Nolan (last name). And it wasn't all that long ago that ISIS began calling upon Muslims around the world to rise up and answer the call. It has been reported by employees of this individual, Nolan, that he had been fired for trying to recruit others to Islam. So, the call is issued to rise up, and now we have our very own beheading in the US! Wonderful!
And just a couple of days ago, Obama spoke awfully tough about how the only thing that terrorists understood was the use of force; which he did not get permission to do that from Congress. Seems Bush was heavily criticized for his tough talk about terrorists and his use of force and not going to congress; which he actually did. Now, when Obama does it, well, it's just fine and dandy. So, the words of Bush have truly come back to haunt us. We fight them over there, or over here. I would like to thank our ball less, head up his ass president for bringing the fight to our county. Thank you.
I would really like to ask the American people to get their own heads out of these asses soon. We have the mid-term elections coming up in November. People seem to have their heads rammed so far up there, that they tend to develop amnesia when an election comes around. Even if for only a handful of minutes, just long enough to vote, please people, get your head out of your ass. Who knows, you might even enough the fresh air and day light!
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