Monday, April 15, 2013

What did Obama Do?

So, there is breaking news that there have been two bombs that went off at the Boston Marathon.  No one is yet calling it a "terrorist attack", however, the bombs went off when most people would likely be finishing the marathon AND they went of 15 second apart.  SOnds like too much of a coincidence to me.  I'm not sure whtat terrorists would be hoping to accomplish by bombing the Boston Marathon though. 

So, I'm remembering back to 9/11.  Bush was reading aloud to school children when he was told about the attack.  He continued to read to the children until he finished.  He was widely criticized for that stating "he should have done something!"  Well, his choices were he could have completed what he did until he was finished and not panic the kids, OR, jump up and start acting crazy and panic the crap out of the kids.  John Kerry, our idiot Secretary of State, was one of the biggest whiners about Bush.  But then, someone was smart enough to ask him what HE was doing during the attack.  He says he was in a meeting with a bunch of other Liberal Senators.  What did he do?  NOTHING.  "We were all in shock" he stated.  So, the idiot that cried the most about Bush not doing anything, in fact did nothing himself. 

So, here we with Obama now.  What SEEMS to be, but has not yet been confirmed, a terrorist attack has occured.   Obama is quoted as having told officials to "do whatever is necessary to help with this tragedy to help and investigate it."  So, I"m just wondering here, what is it that Obama was doing at this moment?  Hmmm?  Couldn't be pulled away from your golf game?  Planning your next big musical concert are we? 

Why is it that the rest of America suffers economically, but Obama?  He's holding a blues concert at the White House and having a good time.  Yet, he cries about how he's for the little people and the average American.  Plus, he's talking about all the "cut backs" due to the Sequester right?  Apparently, his concert schedule isn't affected by that. 

Now, I know there'll be some Libs that will defend Obama in this regard.  However, I would LOVE to know your reasoning for that.  Cause, if Bush had done that, you KNOW that there would be Hell to pay.  But, Obama does it, he gets a free pass.  Why? Cause if you raise any question about it, well then, you're just racist.  That's the Left's answer to everything!  Disagree with Obama, racist!  Not sure that his plan will work and you voice it, racist!  Have the balls to question anything about his plan, racist!  Black Conservative who questions Obama?  Well, not exactly racist towards Obama, but, everyone on the Left will work overtime to destroy your credability and to portray you as an "Uncle Tom" and all kinds of other racist terms for which the NAALCP (National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People) will say NOTHING because you're a Conservative Black.  Look for example, Dr. Ben Carson and how he's been treated lately because he disagrees with Obama. 

So, in closing, why have we not heard from our president in regards to this terrorist attack?  Word is now spreading that there have been many unexploded devices found which are being disarmed.  Given this, this seems absolutely intentional.  So, what was our president doing when the attack occured? 

One final thought.  Whether home grown or the result of an outside terrorist group, this is the FIRST terrorist attack since 9/11.  And, it happened on OBAMA'S watch.  So, according to Liberal Logic, this is OBAMA's fault; because it's always the fault of whomever is in office at the time.  Unless a Lib is in office.  In which case, it's always "Bush's fault!"


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