Alec Baldwin: Political Genius.....

The latest Twitter rant by has been actor Alec Baldwin demonstrates that he is a political genius. He denies every saying or encouraging people to stone Henry Hyde. Yet, we have it on tape. He denies saying he'd ever leave the country if Bush was elected. Yet, we have it on tape. Incidentally, still waiting for Rosie and Barbara to leave too.
Baldwin, a has been actor that hasn't been in a movie role that was a hit movie, for some time, is relegated back to TV, where he is apparently popular on 30 Rock. Never seen the show. I rarely watch network TV any longer, because it's all crap. The rare exception that I go out of my way for, is The Big Bang Theory. Otherwise, no network TV for me. Not even network news. It's all biased. Maybe that's why 30 rock is so popular. They appear to the hateful Libs and the low IQ's of Libs who dumb themselves down even further by watching the show.
In any case, he goes on a huge rant. Bashing conservatives, calling them trolls, and what a shock, war mongerers. He tweets that the Iraq War would still not be over if Bush and Cheney were calling the shots. This is why Baldwin is a genius. THEY CAN'T ALEC. THE US CONSTITUTION SAYS BUSH CAN'T SERVE MORE THAN TWO TERMS. So, they can't still call the shots. Hey Alec, get your head out of your rectum once in a while. The kink in your neck must be horrific.
Then of course, you have idiot Libs who just encourage Baldwin. One stating that Obama got Osama, brought down troop levels in Afghanistan and all with 0 US Soldiers lost. Really? Many things wrong here. For starters, Obama didn't get Bin Laden without the help of 8 YEARS OF INTELLIGENCE ON THE PART OF BUSH. Second, so, NO US solider lives have been lost since the troop draw down in Afghanistan? None? BS.
Then, as always, we have the Libs lecturing us about the need to tone down the rhetoric and to speak civilly. You know, Conservative Talk Radio guys and gals are frequently accused of this stuff. Anything that even remotely resembles the type of rhetoric that Baldwin vomited is condemned by the Libs. But, when one of their own does it, gosh, not a peep. Imagine that.
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