I wish their brains would occupy their heads!

The Tea Party was made up of many Americans of ALL races, creeds and colors. They had a unified message: less government, cut the spending, low taxes. They cleaned up after themselves, they were actually peaceful. Despite Liberal lies to the contrary, there was NEVER evidence of ANY racial slurs, no signs, no racism or intolerance. The few occasions where people tried to crash the scene with that crap, they were told to leave. The only time I actually ever heard anyone talk about having those signs or those attitudes, was when Libs planned on crashing the party to "show everyone how racist the Tea Party is". But, that begs the question, if a Lib is showing up at a Tea Party Rally to show everyone how racist the Tea Party is, why would the Lib have to show up? If they were really racist, wouldn't that element already be there? If you, as a Lib, have to show up and present yourself that way to MAKE people believe the Tea Party is racist, what's that say about YOU Lib?
The police NEVER had to tell the Tea Party to leave. Ever. They did not have Tea Party members arrested. There were no deaths, no rapes, no drugs at the Tea Party Rallies. And, they CLEANED UP AFTER THEMSELVES. they didn't trash an area, they didn't set up tents to just go on and on, they didn't crap in public creating unsanitary conditions. They never had to go to court to challenge to keep their First Amendment rights. Why? They didn't have any of the above problems. Unlike the Occupy groups.
The Occupy groups have had people raped at their gatherings, they have had people shot and killed there, they have had drug overdoses, they've had needles found at several of the rallies-so you know I.V. drugs have been there. They've trashed everywhere they've been. They've rioted, they've had the SWAT Team come after them and cops in riot gear. They've destroyed property, they've vandalized. They don't have a unified goal or message. In some cases, they just want to cause problems to force the city to spend more money in overtime for the police. So, what's the goal of that? Bankrupt the city? Genius! They've been forcibly removed from privately owned parks because they camped out there, and pissed and crappy all over the street. You have Libs from Hollywood and Libs on Capital Hill cheering them on and talking about how great it all is! How dare Mayor Bloomberg try to quell the situation, and a judge tell them they can't camp out on the streets and parks. Never mind crapping and pissing all over everything.
I'm glad that the Libs, Hollywood and otherwise, are supporting this. I'm glad they're cheering them on. Morons like Alec Baldwin and John Cusak for example. I want to know who these idiots are so that I can simply not see their movies any longer. I want to know what degenerate supports people pissing and crapping in public, who supports rape and murder, who supports drug overdoses, who supports violence and lawlessness. Who support the many Anti-Semetic slurs that have been at SEVERAL rallies. Who supports the idiot in NYC who stated "you gonna see what a Malotov Cocktail's gonna do to Macy's!" I want to know who supports that.
Do the Occupy groups have a right to protest? Yes. Peacefully. All of the above named stuff, rapes, drugs, murder, violence threats of harm, Anti-Semetic stuff is NOT peaceful. Henceforth, you have NO right to do that crap! Period! What the crap is the matter with you morons?!
And of course, the non-Liberally biased media are NOT interested in reporting this stuff as much as www.theblaze.com. You can actually see footage of this stuff on their site. Know how much stuff the Libs caught on tape of all their claims of racism? None. Not one incident. All those Lib cameras at those events, and NOT ONE incident. Whereas, we have multiple incidences caught on tape at the Occupy rallies.
Hey, what about the initial Occupy rallies that went to PRIVATE CITIZENS HOMES as a means of intimidating them? Hmm? Imagine the outcry if Alec Baldwin's house had been approached by Tea Party Members, hmm? Or how about if the Tea Party did this in front of the White House? The Libs would have compared them to a lynch party. Oh wait, they did that already.
The point here is, it's all a double standard. The Tea Party did none of the things the Occupy groups have, yet, they are vilified, while the Occupy groups are held up as heroes. When asked about the carnage, the rapes, the drugs and such at the Occupy rallies, Representative Maxine "the Tea Party can go straight to Hell" Waters stated "that's life." She also seemed to compare the Occupy people to homeless people. She stated that anytime you have a gathering like this, you'll have homeless people. Ok, so, is she making fun of homeless people now? Once again, all is silent from the Liberal Media about that. Shocker.
The only message that's been consistent from the Occupy rallies is their hate for Capitalism. This of course, while they all text or chat on their I-Phones and Blackberries. They say they're the 99%. Really? Cause I really don't see 99% of the population using drugs, threatening, stealing, raping, killing or attacking police. I'd say Occupy is the .000000000001%. They seem to be the only ones initiating violence as a means of achieving whatever goal they decide on that day.
If the Occupy groups want to occupy something, I wish their brains would occupy their heads.
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