
Well, we on the Conservative Side have been lectured to DEATH about how we need to "tone down the rhetoric" and how we need to return to "civility". This has always been directed at Conservatives and the Libs have NEVER held themselves to the same standard. Never. Not once. Examples abound. Libs have depicted President Bush as a Nazi, Hitler, and a vampire with his teeth dripping with blood. Where has this occurred? In San Fran Nan, Nancy Pelosi's district. Did she comment on how wrong that was? Nope. Not a peep. But, she was one of those who stated that the rhetoric was getting nasty. Obama is depicted in posters as the Joker from The Dark Knight movie, and screams of racism, screams of "Tone it down!" erupt from Libs all over the US. The Libs in the Labor Unions have been attacking Governor Christie of New Jersey calling him Hitler referring to him as "Adolph Christie" and stating that him and his "two generals" were trying to turn New Jersey into Nazi Germany. So, is THIS the rhetoric that the Left wants toned down?
Oh no. Can't be, because it's COMING from the Left. They have a different set of rules for themselves than they have for us. They accuse Sarah Palin of inciting violence because she has "cross hairs" on districts of Democrats where it was either very important to the Republicans to get the seat, or, the seat was vulnerable. The Left went NUTS! Never mind the fact the LEFT did the same thing with "bulls eye" target on Republican seats!
The Liberal Rag of a Magazine, The New Republic was quoted as saying "The GOP's Hezbollah wing is now fully in control." So now, the Left is comparing Republicans to TERRORISTS. Really? And where is President Obama and those "tone the rhetoric down" Libs? How come they're not speaking out against that? Hmmm? Your silence is not a condemnation, but a condoning of those opinions. What would happen if I began referring to the DNC and Libs as terrorists, paid for full page ads in national papers to do such? Would I be able to get away with that?! I very much doubt it!
Wake up America! There is a different set of rules for the Left than for everyone else.
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