Hey, where's all the femanists on this?

Recently, Keith Olberman, whom I have yet to find anyone who watched his show, made quite the disturbing "tweet" regarding Conservative female commentator, S.E. Cupp. Olberman stated on Twitter.com "On some many levels, she's a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the workPlanned Parenthood does". Ok, now what exactly would warrant a remark such as this from the attention seeking Olberman? Hold on to your socks. She doesn't agree with abortion and the funding of abortions with tax payer money. Now, according to The Hyde Amendment, it is illegal to fund abortions with federal tax money. However, every time there's a budget battle, Democrats try to ram through federal funding of abortions. Not all Americans agree with abortion, and I would be among them. I have no problem with funding birth control and education. But, not abortion. I believe there are MANY things that can be done, prior to abortion. For example. Condoms, education about how to avoid pregnancy, other birth control options such as a diaphram or injections that prevent pregnancy. But, what is Planned Parenthood most well known for? Abortions. Period. When I think of Planned Parenthood, I don't think of screenings for Cervical Cancer or treatment for STD's. While they do provide these services, I would argue Abortions are what they're more well known for, perhaps referring to it as "family planning" in order to soften the concept.
So, SE Cupp was on the Joy Behar show, someone else whom I'm amazed has a following, but then again, bitter Liberal women who villify the Right must apparently turn somewhere as a support group when their candidates lose elections. So, Cupp gets into a debate with Jerry Springer, whom was once the major of Philidelphia until he was busted for involvement with hookers. But, the Libs love him. Never mind he was using women for sex, even if he was paying for it. In any case, the debate happened, Behar and Springer had their views, Cupp had hers, period. So then Olberman makes this off the cuff remark. He later denied that he said Cupp should be aborted. And to be fair, he didn't say that. However, what else could he have meant, hmmm? Surely he must have meant something. Did he mean that Cupp's mom could have benefitted from Cervical Cancer screening? Probably not. Maybe Cupp's mom could have benefitted from a Mamogram? Naw, probably not. Maybe he meant she could have benefitted from STD treatments? No way. So, about all that's left is "family planning", which one should read as abortion, or the use of contraceptives. Ok Olberman, so you're not outright saying SE Cupp should have been aborted, but maybe that she should simply have not been born and her mom should have used contraceptives? Oh yeah, that's WAY better Olberman. However, I think he really did mean he wished she was aborted. Libs have taken even more vague references on the part of Conservatives (targets on districts where Democrats were running for re-election as a threat to kill them for example as we recently saw with the Arizona shooting, DESPITE Libs stating they were "targeting" certain Conservatives and those Libs getting NO flack for that!) and taken them out of grandiouse context and they've been widely accepted as absolute truth by some of our top Democratic leaders including San Fran Nan Pelosi and Dingy Harry Reid among other Libs. Not only do I think Olberman was STRONGLY implying Cupp should have been aborted, but, I think he's a coward because he doesn't have the guts to admit it.
And where is NOW on this? Clearly, he was attacking Cupp. Once again, I think NOW (National Organization of Women) should change their name to NOLW (National Organization of Liberal Women) as that is clearly the type of woman they are interested in defending and supporting. Oddly enough, they've been pretty quiet on this. I did search their website and found NOTHING about this matter. They're dead silent on this. Shocking. If Olberman had said this about Hillary Clinton (yeah, right. Like THAT would ever happen), I bet NOW would have something on their opening page!
Now, for those that don't know who Olberman is, he USED to have a show on MSNBC. Low ratings and who knows what else, and he gets fired by MSNBC. Apparently he's not Liberal enough for them? Good Lord knows he said some outrageous things including talking about Obama and how much he liked him, stating "I felt a tingling up my leg and that doesn't happen very often." Please Olberman, I really don't want to know that. Please keep your "tingling" to yourself. So now, the ONLY attention Olberman can get, is from Twitter. If a Conservative man had said this about a Liberal woman, can you imagine the outrage? If Sean Hannity had said this about Hillary Clinton, I truly see protests in from of WABC demanding Hannity to be fired! But, a Lib says it, and wow! Free pass! Yet again! The double standard continues folks. If you try to tell me there is NO Liberal media, do me a favor. Spread that crap in my flower bed. The flowers will greatly benefit from the sewage coming out of your mouth.
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