Obama-Care: No death panels huh?

We were long told by the Obummer-ites that the whole death panel thing was a farce. A scare tactic by the Right Wing Whackos and liers. Those that expressed concern and demanded "slow down" at town hall meetings and in Congress were compared with those demanding we slow down whether or not to free slaves, and labeled as racists and biggots! There will be NO death panels we were told. In fact, those that spread lies, e-mail their info (read as "rat them out") to the White House and we'll get to the bottom of it. Hmm. That sounded a lot like neighbors would be spying on each other. But, we were called paranoid and liers and racists again, blah, blah, blah. Well, apparently, it appears of freaks were right. SHOCKING!
Dr. Donald Berwick, whom seems to support rationing health care as a way of saving tax payer money, was appointed by Obama as a Recess appointment. Now, Conservatives screamed about this. I didn't have a problem, oddly enough, with a Recess Appointment because the Bush Administration did this with John Bolton. Just as Bush felt John Bolton was what the UN needed as the US Ambassador to the UN, so too did Obama feel that Dr. Berwick was what was needed for the head of Medicare and Medicaid (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services-CMS). Now, what does Dr. Berwick think about rationing health care? Well, let's look, shall we?
He is a great admirer of Britain's National Health Service and particularly the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) which is all about "cost effectiveness". In other words, make the system efficient, to save the most tax dollars and do the most with as little as possible. Sounds peachy, don't it? Sure it does. Look closer.
Avastin is the world's best selling Cancer drug and primarily treats Colon Cancer, but has felt to be effective with Breat Cancer as well due to its cutting blood flow to tumors. It's also approved for lung, kidney and brain cancer. Currently 17,500 women are on it, and it has been found to extend lives by at least 20 months. It is quite expensive though. Because of that, and FDA Advisory Panel, of which the FDA usually goes along with the advisory panels decision, voted 12-1 to drop the endorsement of its treatment for Breast Cancer as part of the "cost effectiveness" philosphy of what Dr. Berwick sees as good policy for cost effectiveness. The final decision by the FDA will make a final decision announcement on 9/17/10. Now, if the FDA drops it, it's likely insurance companies will no longer cover it either. But, don't blame the insurance companies! They're taking their lead from the FDA, which will take it from the Advisory Panel, which I'm sure Dr. Berwick will endorse as part of his "cost effetiveness" admiration and philosophy.
Susan Komen, of The Cure and Ovarian Cancer National Alliance urged the FDA to allow the continuence of Avistin to be used for Breast Cancer and fears it would send a foul message to women with this health concern, never mind the other forms of cancer it treats. Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among American women, claiming 40,000 lives last year alone.
Dr. Berwick has stated that "we can make a better social decision and say 'well at this point, to have access to a particular additional benefit(new drug or medical intervention) is so expensive that our taxpayers have better use for those funds'". So, it's about cost. DEATH PANEL. Your life may not be worth the amount of money it costs taxpayers. And this idiot appointment by President Obummer will be making those decisions, or at the least, the head of the group, making those decisions!
There is also concern whether or not Dr. Berwick, as head of Medicare and Medicaid, will cover the cost of Provenge, a vaccine to treat recurring Prostate Cancer. Heads up guys, this one effects you. It's made from your blood cells with cancer cells and immune boosters. It's not cheap either. A three step process costs $93,000. CMS is now reviewing this medication. The FDA mission statement says that they approve drugs that are safe and effetive. CMS says they will pay for treatments that are reasonable and necessary. See a conflict there? And, who decides what's reasonable and necessary? Well, since Berwick is the head of CMS, so, I guess he will be deciding, and since we KNOW he's for rationing.....DEATH PANEL.
Dr. Berwick, on this subject of rationing, states "The question is not whether or not we will ration care. The decision is whether we ration with our eyes open." So, apparently rationing care is a given. Notice he didn't deny it would happen. So Libs, it appears YOU were the liers. So, as you lie there, suffering and dying of cancer, please remember. You voted for change. How's that gonna work for you in your hour of need?
Don't believe me? Feel free to read the article on Investors Business Daily on Investors.com posted 8/18/10 in the opinion section.
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