Out of touch. With reality.

Clearly, Barbara Boxer is now out of touch with reality. She gave a speech on the floor of the Senate last week stating that climate change will be the "leading cause of conflict" over the next two decades. Gosh, this sounds awfully familiar! Can we say "Al Gore"? Seems to me he also made a bunch of "dire" predictions such as sea level rising several feet by this time due to all the melting ice. Yep. Still waiting for that to happen Al. Never mind all the evidence that's come in within the last 12 months proving that global warming ISN'T happening and that evidence was falsified and deliberatley over exaggerated to fit a plitical agenda for the Democrats. And how about all those seriously concerned world leaders that flew to Copenhagen for that global warming event several months back? How much pollution did THAT put in the air? Hmm? And, did Al Gore take a private Jet, or, travel in a public plane? Yeah, Al Baby only flies private. He didn't seem to racked with guilt about all the pllution he put in the air by doing that either.
So now, old Barb Boxer seeems to be jumping on the bandwagon. She declaries it's going to be the leading cause of conflict. Really? Moreso than North Korea? Iran? Radical Islamic Terrorism (oh my God, I said it! Where's my cartoon of Mohammed!? Might as well get that in there too!)? More of a conflict than Obama's push to force Socialism on the American People? Wow, it's nice to know all that crap is small stuff compared to the fictious Global Warming.
Global Warming facts (beware lovers of Al Gore, you'll get pissed!) (http://www.globalwarminghoax.com/)
*Anarctic Sea Ice is greater now than in 1980.
*Glaciers in Norway have begun to grow again.
*Record snowfall in both Louisiana and Texas.
*Two words "climate gate".
*Al Gore seems to have NO idea what Climate Gate is all about!
*Anarctic Sea ice is up 43% over 1980. Parts of it are down 7%, but you only hear about that, not the 43% increase!
And yet, we have Boxer screaming about how the world will end or the sky is falling! And the Senate and Obama are trying to ram through Cap and Tax (Trade) claiming there's a global warming threat, when there is not. We should all do our part to save the planet, ok. But, we have Democrats here trying to make an issue out of something that clearly isn't. And yet, those of use who don't believe it, are the nuts. Yeah, right. Did you also know 141 scientists signed a petition to the UN questioning global warming? No? Of course not! The Liberal Media and Democrats don't want that getting out. Nor does the worthless UN! Do your own part to take care of the planet. Get your car tuned up regularly to keep youe emissions low. Keep your tires properly inflated. Recycle everything you can. Do your shopping all at once to prevent wasting gas. Use CFL light bulbs and don't waste electricity. Plant more trees to clean the air. By doing your part, you can be part of the solution. Government is NOT the solution. It is the PROBLEM.
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