"That's what elections are for"

As most of us have now seen, the Health Care Legislation Summit was a joke. The Democrats had their minds made up, particularly Obama, and the Republicans maintained their stance as well. There was no common ground reached. I would go so far as to suggest it was a gigantic waste of time. As many Conservatives have said, it was a "photo-Op" for Obama. Indeed it was. He stuck to his guns, Republicans stuck to theirs. Nothing was accomplished.
Obama insists that Republicans need to get on board with this Bipartisan Bill. However, it's not a Bipartisan bill. It never has been. President Obama has not been interested in Conservative Ideas. Nor have Democrats. From shooting down each idea and saying it won't work, to literally locking out the Republicans from a room where health care was being discussed. However, Obama can't even say that it's all Republican Opposition. Because, there is much opposition from his own party. Does Obama even hae 51 votes to pass the legislation in the Senate? I'm not sure he has. He may very well have, I honestly don't know.
So, we see Obama's arrogance here. He wants Republicans to get on board. So, from here, we can see he already had his mind made up. He wanted the legislation passed his way. No compromise. Period. Now, the Republicans took issue with this. But, to no avail.
Obama has suggested that he will push forward with health care reform without Republican support. What does this mean? The "nuclear" option. In other words, Reconciliation. By circumventing Senate rules (which is sometimes done legitimately, but not for something as serious as this), he will be able to pass health care reform with only 51 votes. Now, despite MANY polls that say American DON'T like this bill AS IT'S WRITTEN, he intends to say screw you, I'm doing it anyway. So, how does the President feel about doing something the people don't like?
Well, Obama has a very simple answer here. If the American people don't like the results of the health care legislation that Obama pushes through, well "that's what elections are for". Yes, this is a quote from Obama. I got this from http://www.foxnews.com/. Now, I tried to look this up on http://www.cnn.com/ and THEY HAVE NO RECORD OF THE QUOTE. So, I guess this makes CNN SO much more reliable than Fox. Bullcrap. This is why I NEVER trust CNN. Apparently, a comment like this is NOT news. Bullcrap! It demonstrates an serious disregard for the public trust, public opinion and an extreme arrogance. I believe, and I may very well be wrong, that this will cost the Democrats dearly in November. One can only hope.
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