An inconvenient revealing.....

Well, we can see how well the Global Warming Conference is going in Denmark. For several years, Libs have tried to "con" us into believe all global warming is man made, it's the end of the world as we know it, we're done, we're finished. Then, as the conference in Denmark approached, some "hacked" e-mails were brought to light showing that some information regarding global warming were supressed, some were exaggerated. Apparently, scientists supressed some information that would suggest that it's not as bad as Libs would have you believe. But, this was largely recognized as not adding to their side of the argument, so, it was essentially covered up. Nope, don't want THAT getting out there, that would hurt the cause! Then, we have Gore stating that some section of glacial shelf or ice would be non-existant in 5 years, quoting a scients. Now, this turns out not to be true because the scientist claims now that you really can't estimate something like that, and he was just speculating to Gore several years ago.
Now I ask you, given teh "hacked" e-mails that clearly show there was a cover-up, and now Gore caught lying, and with Cap and Trade (Tax) already passed, and, "poor nations" holding their hands out and demanding "rich" nations pay for them to be less pollutive, HOW CAN YOU BELIEVE ANY OF THIS CRAP!? Obama would say that less pollution means more "green" jobs. Great, that's wonderful. More jobs means more taxes that can be collected, more people working. So, using this logic, why then, is it the "rich" countries' job to pay for "poor" countries not to be pollute so much. If they go "green" won't that create wealth for them? Well, it does if you believe the crap the Libs would have you believe.
However, if you desent on anything the Left puts out there, well then, you're clearly a Republican. The party of "no". I say there's plenty to say no about with this whole global warming thing. You have some honest to goodness doubt now here. You have Gore lying about facts. And yet, the Left and Libs still push it. It's still taught in schools around the U.S. that you're not supposed to disagree with this, as, there is no "other side" for being balanced here. It's taught as fact, that's it. Accept it. Well, I don't. And I think that all the pollution sent up in the world for all these folks flying to Denmark to talk about it, isn't helping. There's some real doubt now, don't be intimidated by the Left. Decide for yourselves.
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