For God's sake, lighten up! BS!

Recently, we've discovered that even Sesame Street is not safe from political leanings. PBS and Sesame Street recently RE-AIRED an episode referring to "POX NEWS" as a "trashy network". Now, this was before the Obama Administration waged war on the entire network. However, how interesting that it has found new life now, huh? The same lame Liberal slant here is "God, can't you guys ever take a joke, it's meant to be satirical!" Ok, I can go with that, but, only if YOU can. Case in point, the Saturday Night Live skit that had Libs HOWLING about the inaccuracies involved. Actually, they weren't inaccuracies. They were "promises" that Obama made, then promptly broke. SNL was making fun of it. So, how'd the "can't you take a joke" Libs respond? They fact checked the skit. No crap, they did. Funny, I thought the Libs were ok with satire, with "funny". Seems it's only funny, when it's done to a Conservative, or a Conservative view point or concept.
Now, some loser executive producer something or other, after the Ombudsman stepped in and agreed it was inappropriate, is now back peddling and trying to justify the skit on Sesame Street. Saying there's no way a child would pick up on it. She's right, they wouldn't. However, what it CAN accomplish is, indoctrination. Kids are great with rhyming. POX....FOX. Kids ain't stupid. Cause see, if Libs can indoctrinate kids early on, they can influence an opinion. Then, they might just have them for life. Sound radical, it is, yet, it's happening isn't it?
If we were to reverse the episode and put it in kids language and infer that CNN wasn't honest and they were trying to teach about honesty on the show, would the Libs be ok with that? I really doubt it. But then again, the show was being "satirical" towards Conservatives, weren't they.
What really disturbs me about this whole thing is a couple things. The Libs at PBS are trying to indoctrinate our kids to bring them around to the Libs point of view. I don't care what they say, I believe it to be indoctrination. It's not what they intend, it's how I perceive. Especially, with what brings me to my second point. PBS GETS TAX PAYER MONEY! So, we now have a tax payer funded point of view being pushed here. Sounds like an endorsement to me! Now, I can hear the Libs crying "Ok for God's sake, it's a kids show! Lighten up!" Really, so, you'd lighten up if a news network was referred to as LSDNBC (MSNBC) for example and the show just made fun of it? Really? BS.
Second, we just saw the Obama Administration go after A PRIVATE NEWS COMPANY! And Libs expect us to believe that that's legit, but a government funded TV network making fun of a Conservative news outlet, that's legit! Right! And what the crap, NPR receives government tax money too! And they lean left too! Why is it that when it's a PRIVATE OWNED COMPANY, it's bad to have a political agenda and viewpoint, but, when it's a publicly owned one, it's legit, and, only legit when the Libs decide it is?
If you, as a tax payer think it's ok to have the government funding (with your tax dollars) a political agenda, that pushes a viewpoint, that endorses a political philosophy and henceforth, at some point, indoctrinates our kids, then by all means write your person in Congress. Cause when the Conservatives take back over, I'm expecting Sesame Street to have Regan pics all over the place on the street. If you don't agree with this, that tax payer funded media should not present an agenda or push a viewpoint, then please, write your person in congress.
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