So, how's this gonna play out?

So, President Obama now says that he agrees that Iran has a right to nuclear energy if they can prove within the year that it's for peaceful intentions. Hmmm. So Mr. President, how do you propose they prove it? Let's look at what President Ahmadinejad has said or done in regards to Israel thus far:
October 2005: Giving a speech at the Iranian "World Without Zionism" conference.
"Israel and the United States will soon be destroyed" states President Ahmadinejad when speaking to Syria's Foreign Minister on 1/23/07.
"...the United States and the Zionist regime of Israel will soon come to the end of their lives," the Iranian president was quoted as saying also on 1/23/07 talking to Syria's Foreign Minister.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran added a threatening edge to his verbal onslaught on Israel yesterday by warning European governments to withdraw their support or face getting "hurt" in a storm of retaliation. 10/21/2006
Ahmadinijad also called Britain and America "enemies of Iran" whose attempts to block the country's nuclear programme at the UN security council were "illegitimate". 10/21/06
Ahmadinejad has made his hostility to the nation of Israel clear on several occasions, threatening it with annihilation repeatedly since becoming president of the Islamic republic in 2005 and denying that the Nazi holocaust ever took place. 1/30/08
Ahmadinejad threatens to "wipe Israel off the map" 2/11/06
Ok, so, pretty clear how Ahmadinejad feels about Israel. And President Obama feels that, given these statements that Israel should be destroyed, and that those that support Israel should also be considered enemies, because, after all, Israel is threatening Islam. Right. Not like homicide bombers are killing innocent Jews. And, once again, for the slow minded Liberals out there. THESE ARE HOMICIDE BOMBERS, NOT SUICIDE BOMBERS! A suicide bomber kills himself, and he/she can do that outside their own house. The second your intention is to "take as many Jews with you" as possible, that's HOMICIDE.
Continues to be clear to me, that OBAMA stands for Obviously a Big Ass Mistake America.
I'm not sure how he expects Iran to prove their peaceful intentions. Hopefully there won't have to be a huge crator where Israel used to be in order for Obama to realize "gosh, maybe they DIDN'T have peaceful intentions.
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