Monday, April 06, 2009

O.B.A.M.A. on the Hideous Chicken........

Hello all,
How we enjoying that "YES WE CAN!" change we were all promised? Are we lovin' it? Let's recap some of them high lights of recent times. Recently, we had North Korea have a less than successful test of a missle that they claimed was to launch a satellite, but others with an IQ higher than that of used toilet paper have figured out that they're really trying to see how far they can launch a missle! It was not as successful as one would have thought, but, for them, it's a start! President Obama's reaction? Well, he'd like to talk to them some more, look at more appeasements. Yep, cause that worked SO well since 1994 when President Clinton started that process. Oh wait, Clinton. Yeah, Obama has hired a bunch of Clinton throwbacks for his administration. So I guess, it all really makes sense then.

Ok, we have gas starting to rise again. Now, the Demoncrats will state simply "it's not $4+ a gallon like under Bush!" You're right. It's not. But, it is rising again. And as far as I'm concerned, Obama's got some "s'plainin' to do!" Under President Bush, any time gas went up, it was his fault. So, I'm waiting patiently for the outcry since it's going up under Obama. Must be his fault, right? That was the precident set by the Demoncrats right? Only now that they have their guy in office, well, we have to change that standard now right? Absolutely!

Ok, so Obama is in Europe now talking about American arrogance, which I do actually agree with to some degree. We do stick our noses in a lot of things that are not our business. We do, it's true. I wish we didn't. However, if we didn't, we can hardly allow some things to go left unchecked. For example. Iran. The whole world wanted to bury their head in the sand and let the almightly U.N. take care of the whole matter. Well thank God for that! Now, Iran is likely to have enough nuclear material for a weapon in about a year. Gee, thanks U.N. You're so great! President Obama also discussed Europe's leadership role. Is he serious?! What leadership role? They wait for the U.S. to do everything, then complain about what we do!

Next. President Obama is having more money printed during this recession. Really. That's all you have to do? Just print more? Jeepers! If only that truly worked. CAUSE IT DIDN'T DO GERMANY ANY GOOD AFTER WWI MORON! It's called Deflation! If you print more, you just devalue the money you already have idiot! Way to go. I guess it really is true. Those who don't learn from history, are destined to repeat it.

Now, the Obama Administration is calling the shots at GM. They're telling GM whom they can, and can't have as CEO. Really? And that's not Socialism? Really? Cause, it sure sounds like it. The government is assuming more and more control over the auto industry. They're getting bailouts from the government, which did in fact start with President Bush, so, I guess the government figures they own the auto industry now. Sounds like Socialism to me! Ford was the only car company not to take a hand out. Way to go Ford, keep holding out!

It's clear what O.B.A.M.A. really means: Obviously a Big Ass Mistake America.


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