Wednesday, March 04, 2009


President Obama took over January 21st. It was most definitly a historic moment, and I think through much of America, there was a lot of optimism. I think there was a lot of hope, and his slogan of "yes we can" seemed to really define who he was and what he stood for. Great. Now that we've got that crap out of the way, what with all of the optimism, let's look at some reality. Because you can ignore it all you like, but at some point, you must face it head on.

Has I.Q.'s dropped to 60 watts shy of a 25 watt light bulb or has anyone noticed that since President Obama took over, the stock market has gone down several hundred points? How about the gas prices? How much did those rise since he took over? Now, you're going to hear low I.Q. Libs scream about "oh it's all Bush's fault!!" Yeah, back up bubba and take a look at a magazine that depicts the current President. He don't look like former President Bush to me. He's President Obama. Please note the difference in how I address them: FORMER President Bush and PRESIDENT Obama.

Ok, like it or not Libs, he has to put on the adult socks and shoes now and start accepting responsibility for his decisions. The stock market did not start its current down fall until AFTER his Economic Spending Bill was passed. I'll say it once again, because I know you hate hearing about your guy's bad decision. The stock market did not start going down at its present rate until after the economic spending bill was passed by DEMOCRATS in Congress. Remember how proud Libs were to say that it was voted along party lines? Yep, well guess what? That makes Libs responsible. Not that you are ever truly responsible. Crap just look at all of you that stood by former President Clinton when he said he never had "sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinski" and then wagged his finger at America.

There is a correlation between the Economic Spending Bill being passed and the stock market's current down fall. Period. There just is. Accept it or not, it's fact, it didn't start going down until the plan was passed. Same with gas prices. They didn't start going up until Obama became President. Yet, nary a word from you Libs that took great pride in blaming former President Bush for the high gas prices. What's a matter? Smoke to much pot to speak? Too many cigars rammed into female interns?

Just recently, President Obama has announced the "cap and trade" plan as it relates to Carbon Dioxide. Ok, it makes sense. If you pollute the air, you're going to get fined. Period. We should all, as good stewards of our planet, help to take care of our planet. However, in Obama's own words, he states that "the price of energy will sky rocket". Ok, what part of this is a good idea in a recession? He's made it clear that the cost of converting from old polluting equipment will be passed on to consumers. Great, so let's hurt them as much as possible! Great plan! Way to score moron. You know, President Obama is making so many bad decisions, and the economy is going down so much further, he's going to be running out of excuses pretty soon.

He's not going to be able to blame former President Bush forever. You're just not, period. Bummer, but that's the way it is. You're going to have to face the fact you're in charge and you alone are responsible for your decisions. And, you're responsible for the decisions of people in your administration, and people you appointed. If you don't want to accept it, feel free to quit.

Hey, look at that, another President Obama appointee that didn't pay their taxes! Wow, that's like 4 or 5 now isnt' it? And yet, hardly any criticism from the "non-liberally" biased media. What a crock! Because he's President Obama, the first black president, he get a free pass?

WHERE'S THE FRAKIN' OUTRAGE?! We'd never hear the end of this if it was a Republican in office. But, you get a Lib in office, free pass.


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