Wednesday, July 02, 2008

What would you do for $100 of gas?

Recently, in Fort Wright, Kentucky, a woman traded sex for $100 of gasoline ( for the story, go here:,2933,375101,00.html). Now, Ken Easterling-the county prosecutor, states "it's sad when people are selling their bodies for gas." I think it's quite telling actually. Now, if the Republicans and Democrats were switched on their views of drilling for our own oil on our own land, the Democrats would be screaming that the Republicans were forcing women into prostitution to pay for gas. But, since we have a non-Liberally biased media (please note EXTREME sarcasm), you don't hear a word of this. The Democrats are heck bent on gas rising as quickly as possible and forcing hard working Americans to pay the most per gallon possible. They don't want to see relief coming to the American who really works for a living. They want to bleed them dry! If they really wanted to help the hard working American, they would be allowing the U.S. to drill for our own oil and stop being dependenton foreign oil. Does this mean we should stop trying to find alternative fuels? No. Does it mean we should stop trying to conserve fuel? No. We should continue to do both of those things. However, if we had drilled in ANWAR back in 1993/94 as the Republicans had suggested (under the extremely stringent environmental regulations that we have mind you), perhaps we wouldn't have been in this mess. Or, perhaps we would have been in A mess, but just not this bad.

In any case, I think we should start accusing the Democrats (or, Demon-crats in some cases) of forcing women to get into prostitution to pay for gas. They would do it to Conservatives in a heart beat! Let's throw it back at them! Even now, Senator Obama has said he will not allow drilling whatsoever. Ok, so, 50 miles off OUR shores, the Chinese are going to be drilling for oil. Keep in mind, the Chinese have HORRID environmental practices. The U.S. in comparison has excellent environmental practices. Further, we have the Saudi King telling Americans to get used to the high prices. Basically, tough, we control the oil, we'll do it our way. Ok, I say, let's drill. Perhaps at Senator Obama's future campaign stops, we should be asking him why he's forcing women into prostitution to pay for the gas he refuses to drill for on our own property.


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