Monday, February 11, 2008

What's more important?

Well well, it appears that Hillary's campaign is in trouble. It appears her royal heiness is not winning to the degree she feels she should. Hmm. Interesting. So now, she's replaced her current campaign manager. And wow, she's replaced her with someone who's black. Now, did she do this because this woman is black, or, because she's qualified. Keep in mind, Hillary feels that she's losing to a black man. So, I can see her pulling out all the stops, such as, see, there's someone black on my team too! Now, having said this, let me state officially, I like Barak. I think he's a good soul, and while I may not agree with all of his stances on issues, I do like some of what he says.

Basically, my point here is that Hillary seems to think that just because she's a Clinton, she's entitled to be president. Further, some writers in the Yakima Herald Repulsive, a daily thorn in your hind quarters, had a female letter writer today who basically said that we've got the opportunity to elect a woman, and so why not have more support for that. She may not be aware of it, but, what she's saying is that we should elect Hillary simply because she would be the first female president. I'm sorry, but, why is that a reason to make a good president? Shouldn't we elect someone who we think is best for the job, not because they're a woman and there comes a time when the U.S. should have a female president and since one's running, let's vote that one in. Nope, I don't think Hillary would make a good president. I just don't. I don't think she should be elected simply because she's a female.

If our standard is let's elect her president because she's a female, I think we should either raise the standards or not let certain simple minded individuals vote. Please note, tongue in cheek. Everyone has the right to vote, but, I don't believe that people who don't vote should have the right to cry about the way things are going?


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