Watch out for his soiled and bloody underwear!

Anti war activist/ also known as the boil on the butt of humanity, is at it again. It would be fine for him to simply just disagree, even get a crowd of people to disagree. But no. Instead, Sean Penn must say something totally weird. Quoting Sean Penn as foudn at this website from fox news:,2933,261587,00.html. Penn states : " We cower as you point your fingers telling us to support our troops while you and the smarmy pundits in your pocket, those who bathe in the moisture of your soiled and blood-soaked underwear, can take that noise and shove it."
Now, the obvious question is, why is Sean Penn talking about "...soiled and bloody underwear". It sounds like he's talking about someone else's soiled and bloody underwear. My concern is that he's standing by, while someone is apparently soiling themself while at the same time, they've bloodied their underwear. I think this is sick. These people don't need you to point your finger at them and saying these things. You're into helping people Sean, why are you not voluntarily taking them to the urologist? No matter where they're bleeding from, they need to go to a Urologist Sean! How cold and heartless you are!
Further, we are calling un not supportive of the troops because Libs and Demoncrats are saying the soldiers are winning, they can't possibly win, we are the invaders, etc. Don't tell me you all forgot your saying this?! Crap, you've been saying it for the better part of two years! Further, why would anymore, pundits or otherwise, want to swim in the moister of soiled and blood soaked underwear? Seriously? They would run the risk of getting Hepititis A for sure, or, Hep. B or C. Who knows, you may be exposed to HIV as well in that bloody underwear.
Conservatives are talking about cowards and America haters who seem to support world dictators, remember Mr. Penn's trip to Iraq and how Saddam is a good guy after all? Well, instead of coming up with constructive ideas, they seem to rather discuss soiled adn bloody underwear. You've been warned. Please note, you may also see Sean Penn's bloody and soiled underwear on ebay sometime. Especially if he thinks he can raise more money for Demoncrats with it. Be afraid, very afraid. Of Sean Penn's soiled and bloody underwear!
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