Thank God!!

As you know by now you know, former President Saddam Hussein is dead. The Iraqi Courts and the Iraqi people, have the courage to do, what Americans don't. Hang a very bad man. This is what should be done with all Terrorists. If you are indeed a terrorist that threatens the lives of Americans, you need to die. You should face the ultimate penatly. Death. There should be no foregiveness. They have no foregiveness for killing Americans, why then, should we have any hesitancy to hang them?
Saddam was, in all respects, a tyrant. Did things run better when he was in charge of Iraq, in terms of less crime, less violence? Well, yeah. But the only reason for that was because Saddam hated competition and therefore, he would simply have others killed. In a great book called Saddam's Bombmaker, written by one of Saddam's chief nuclear scientists, Saddam is quoted as saying "the law is whatever I write on a scrap of paper". So, he apparently had little respect for the law, unless it was something he wrote. However, he was judged by Iraqi law. Not his law, but, a fair and just law. He had his trial, run by Iraqis, held by Iraqis and, his fate was, in fact, decided by Iraqis. They decided that Saddam should pay for his crimes against humanity with his life. I think they made the right decision. He paid the ultimate penalty for those he had killed.
I only wish that America had the same concept towards the terrorists who have sworn to kill Americans. Should they not pay the ultimate price for what they've done? However, there are those who would show the terrorists mercy. They would, in fact, blame America first, America is the reason the terrorists hate us so much. They say also that we should bring our troops home, because the terrorists are egged on via our troops being there. Ok, I would say that's fine. Let's bring the troops home, but, under only one condition. That we bring the troops home from EVERY country in the world, in which we occupy that nation. This includes every country in Europe, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, everywhere the U.S. is. Bring them all home. And one other thing. I am even in favor of letting all the terrorists being held at Club Gitmo go free. Let them go. However, if they should ever be caught again in America doing anything remotely suspicious, give them their trial, a fair trial. With evidence against them, legally gathered, even as hindered as the Liberals will make it for America. If they are found guilty: LET THEM HANG. Broadcast it all over the world. Send a copy to Al-Jazzera or whatever that terrorist propaganda news station is, and let them play it over and over. With Arabic subtitles that read: AMERICA TAKES NO MORE. TERRORISTS, HOME OR ABROAD, WILL BE SUBJECT TO DEATH. THEY SHALL BE HANGED, LIKE SADDAM.
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