Democratic Control Better huh?

So, the Democrats, who took control of Congress with their election win last year, not by a landslide mind you, but significantly, said that things would be different. They were going to change things because the administration, whom they thoroughly enjoyed pointing out President Bush's low approval rating, now has an approval rating of 18%. This is the lowest since 1974, also a Congress controlled by the Democrats, ain't that interesting! So, I wonder how low Congress' approval rating will go? There is the issue of Iraq, the Democrats are so bent on us losing the war. Are we winning, it is difficult to tell. The Liberally biased media prefers to show nothing but the fatalities (which mind you, are real and therefore should be reported), but fail to show the progress that has been made. There is no discussion about how we have done things there that are positive. Females are going to school! School! Where is the National Organization of Women on this issue! Why are they not praising that?!
Perhaps the American people are so upset about all the negative crap that the Democrats are talking about that they are not approving of the job Congress is doing. Perhaps they are so upset at Congress' stalling on the Immigration issue, of which now many crimes are being reported that are being committed by illegal aliens, that the American people are just sick of it! To be fair, I don't honestly believe MORE crimes are being committed by Illegals, but rather, the ones that are being committed are just being reported more. Now, it is not that the Republicans are innocent here. They are just as guilty as anyone else. However, the Democrats like to blame those who are in power, they like to point out low approval ratings. Here now, we have both. And, they both belong to the Democrats! Just wanted to point that out! If you would like to express YOUR disapproval of either the Democrats or Republicans, please use the links below to contact your person in Congress and express yourself! Don't vote? Then you've got no reason to complain, so shut yer yap!
Perhaps the American people are so upset about all the negative crap that the Democrats are talking about that they are not approving of the job Congress is doing. Perhaps they are so upset at Congress' stalling on the Immigration issue, of which now many crimes are being reported that are being committed by illegal aliens, that the American people are just sick of it! To be fair, I don't honestly believe MORE crimes are being committed by Illegals, but rather, the ones that are being committed are just being reported more. Now, it is not that the Republicans are innocent here. They are just as guilty as anyone else. However, the Democrats like to blame those who are in power, they like to point out low approval ratings. Here now, we have both. And, they both belong to the Democrats! Just wanted to point that out! If you would like to express YOUR disapproval of either the Democrats or Republicans, please use the links below to contact your person in Congress and express yourself! Don't vote? Then you've got no reason to complain, so shut yer yap!
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