Dying to be acknowledged, and relevant to anything...

Undoubtedly, you've heard of Code Pink. This would be a Anti-War Protest group that, essentially, the Berkeley City Council in Berkeley, California granted special access to. Certainly, you remember about September 2007 when the City Council sent a letter to the local Marine Recruiting Center telling them they were no longer welcome there in Berkeley and that, basically, we'd like you to vacate. For the unlearned Liberal, they wanted the Marines to leave.
Now, as if that wasn't bad enough, they then granted all kinds of permits to Code Pink to set up protesting across the street. Now, Code Pink has a federally protected Constitutional Right to peacefully protest. That's fine, I have no problem with that. However, I do have a problem with the local City Council basically telling the Marines to get out, try to spin it that that is not what they were really doing, and then bend over backwards to do everything that can to get Code Pink right across the street. Now, Code Pink, as well as the City Council, should remember that if not for the Marines, the City Council wouldn't be doing anything, and Code Pink would have no right to protest. Yet, they wish to bit the hand that feeds them.
Since this whole controversy began, members of the Federal Congress have basically said no problem, you can protest, but, if you do that, especially since the City Counsel was asking them to essentially leave, federal funding was going to be pulled. I believe this was appropriate. If the City Council didn't appreciate the Marines being there anymore, well then, there's no point in troubling the city with the federal funding they receive either, huh? So, Berkeley was in line to lose millions as I understand it. Shortly afterwards, Berkeley rescinded their request and displeasure of the Marines Recruiting Center, never apologized to the Marines for it, and tried to spin the whole thing that they didn't really ask them to leave, which was really a lie. They essentially said that they didn't want them there. So, in all fairness, I guess they stopped just shy of asking them to leave, but nonetheless, that was the spirit of what they were asking.
Fast forward to this last Friday. Code Pink, constantly running short of ideas to even get any recognition because they are more frequently getting forgotten, decided as part of their daily theme to get attention, decided that the theme this Friday should be "witches". Pick a word that rhymes with witches, add stupid in front of it, and that's my opinion of Code Pink. They actually had people dress up in witch hats and "cast spells" on the Marines. Cast spells! According to Foxnews.com, the numbers of those protesting with Code Pink against the war have been dwindeling and they rarely get any media attention anymore. Basically, you're old news, no one cares about you anymore. But, Libs believe in Evolution right? Survival of the fittest, right? Well, maybe Code Pink just ain't fit no more!
I have one question for Code Pink. HOW DESPERATE FOR ATTENTION ARE YOU?! They say that they don't support the war, but they support the troops, yet, they're casting spells on the troops? Hmmm. I have no idea why anyone would think they're unpatriotic. Yep, I COMPLETELY question their patriotism. No doubt in my mind. When you start to resort to casting spells on our troops and those whose job is to get more troops, yep, you're unpatriotic in my opinion. The protesting is fine, but casting spells? Morons.
"Women are coming to cast spells and do rituals and to impart wisdom to figure out how we're going to end war," Zanne Sam Joi of Bay Area Code Pink told FOXNews.com. So, you're going to cast spells at those that are fighting to protect your freedoms to end the war. So, what spells will ye cast to keep the terrorists from A). coming over to America to bomb the crap out of you and B). fill the void left by you demanding our troops coming home. I wonder if Code Pink realizes that if the Muslim Terrorists come to the U.S. and take over our country, that they (Code Pink) will not be allowed the freedoms they have now? Do they realize they'll be FORCED to cover themselves. They'll not be allowed to vote, they'll not be allowed to show their faces, they'll not be allowed to go to school, they'll not be allowed to be in public with any men other than their husbands or male family members (it would be considered adultery and they'd be stoned to death for it)? Perhaps Code Pink should use the lump of crap between their ears and give it some thought. They need to begin using their brains for something other than hair fertilizer.
If you'd like to see Code Pink in action, demonstrating their pathetic desire for attention and relevance in a world that doesn't care about them, please view through this link. http://www.foxnews.com/protestcam/ . It will have a live, 24 hour a day stream of the Marine Recruiting center.
However, this last week was full of themes. On Tuesday, Code Pink's theme was "fierce mothers raging against war," Joi said, to talk about all the mothers killed and raped in war. Wednesday's theme was "bring your daughter to the protest," where daughters explained why they don't want their parents fighting the war. Thursday is "sisters don't allow sisters to live in war zones" day, and the week wraps up Friday with "witches, crones and sirens" day.
Now, let's look at Tuesday. Fierce Mothers raging against war. It's supposed to be about mothers killed and raped in the war huh? So, where was Code Pink then, I wonder, when, under Saddam, there was torture of women, mothers getting raped and killed, as well as daughters, and women in general? What, that was ok, because the U.S. wasn't involved? Hmm. Interesting ethics. Ok, how about Thursday. Sisters don't allow sisters to be in war zones. Really? So, why is Code Pink not protesting the gang violence that seems to be a daily part of life in Israel for example? Hmmm? How about the war zone that is L.A.? What's that? Sounds like a Cricket. Not a word huh? Amazing! Seems they have very subjective ideas about violence and raping. Apparently, it's only violence and raping if the U.S. is involved, but, if it happens by others, not the U.S., then it's ok. After all, I've not heard them speak out against women killed in Israel by Muslim Terrorists (Palestinian terrorists) or the violence and raping against women in Iraq by Terrorists (Saddam or otherwise). Not a peep actually. Interesting.
Interestingly enough, a local group of College Republicans are protesting against Code Pink and have applied for the same parking permits that Code Pink was granted by the Berkeley City Council. This will be voted upon on 5/20/08. It will be interesting to see how the City Council votes on this. Will they allow the same freedom to protest, and freedom of speech, that they have especially granted to Code Pink? If they deny the permit, it would appear the City Council has an agenda. If they do grant it, which I will predict they won't, then I guess they really do believe in fairness. Yeah, right. I will keep you abreast of this when it happens. In the meantime, please enjoy the protest cam by using the link above.
Again, the link to see the protest cam is http://www.foxnews.com/protestcam/ .
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