Pitty poor Hamas and the Palestinians....
For 8 years, Israel is pounded by rocket attacks, HOMICIDE (not suicide, but I'll get into that in a sec.) bombers and other acts of terrorism. And the incompetent, un-caring, and seemingly Anti-Semitic UN and apparently Liberals as well, do nothing about it. What you do hear is the outrage of "how dare the Jews attack the Palestinian people! How dare they kill our children!" Yet, I never heard anything about any outrage as to how Hamas was killing innocent Jews. Not once. You never saw the UN get involved with this, you never saw the UN condemn Hamas for their attacks. All you heard from them was talk of chastising Israel for "retaliating" and condemning the violence and laying blame on Israel. You never saw anyone in the U.S. or Europe protesting the killings of innocent Jews from HOMICIDE (again, I'll address this in a sec.) bombers. Not one news anchor speaking out against the killing of innocent Jews. Not once did former President Jimmy Carter condemn Hamas for killing innocent Jews, not once! Am I suggesting Jimmy Carter is Anti-Semitic? No. But, if he were a Republican and not condemning Hamas, it is a pretty realistic thought that he would be accused of being Anti-Semitic. So, perhaps I am suggesting that. After all, why would a former President not at least express some sympathy for what the Jewish People have suffered? And you know what? I don't want to hear the old argument about "well, the Jews took the Palestinians land and the Palestinians just want it back!" That is a BS argument! The Jews took NOTHING. The UN, in 1948, are the ones who carved out the land for Israel. THE UN. That is fact. While Liberals and Palestinians like to ignore this, suck it up! It's a fact. And, the Jews have been very gracious about giving up some of that land to the Palestinians as well. So very clearly, the Jews are the ones that are making more concession here, not Hamas and the Palestinians!
Further, after Israel's right of defending itself against terrorism that the apparently Anti-Semitic UN and Europe refused to address, the UN sends representatives to "inspect the damage" on the part of the Palestinians from Israel. When did the UN EVER inspect damage inflicted up Israel via Hamas and other HOMICIDE bombers? When did they ever inspect various damage inflicted by rockets, by the nut running rampant with the bull-dozer several months ago? When? I have not read ONE account of inspections happening, ever. Not one. So, it is very clear, the UN and Europe appear to be very one sided here. Now, I realize that not everyone in Europe feels this way, and does not hold Anti-Semitic tendencies. However, everything I have ever read about Europe (as a continent, NOT individual countries), Anti-Semitism runs rampant. Still. God forbid that anyone should speak out against anyone of Middle Eastern decent, or is a Muslim. But if they're a Jew, screw 'em! How interesting that such a world body would favor one side over another rather than trying to settle a dispute.
Now all we hear is how Israel was brutal in their attacks, how they killed innocent Palestinians. Well, let's look at that for a moment. If the Terrorists INSIST on hiding in populated areas, if they insist on hiding in Mosques, in school, around market places that are highly populated, and also hiding people innocent people, that's not Israel's fault! Hamas has made those folks a target, and those folks are also allow themselves to be a target. You want the violence to stop, start sacrificing a bit them! The Jews should NEVER be the only ones who have to give in and sacrifice, ever! It's time the Palestinians stepped up to the plate and did some sacrificing and say ENOUGH, we are tired of the violence, Hamas, NO MORE! But, they've not done that, they give no indication of ever doing that. They do protest Israel's right to protect and defend themselves and continue to call for the destruction of Israel and Jews. Yet again, the UN and Europe do NOTHING about this. Oh no! It's ALL Israel's fault!
And after all that Israel has done to defend themselves, the tunnels that Hamas used to smuggle rockets into Gaza, are still open! Is the UN calling for Hamas to make any concessions? All I was able to find, was a quote by UN Chief Ban "Let me be clear: I condemn unequivocally and in the strongest possible terms the ongoing rocket and mortar attacks by Hamas and other Palestinian militants," he said. "But I also condemn the excessive use of force by Israel." So, in this quote he is feebly attempting to hold Hamas accountable, but he is also putting quite some blame on Israel as well. Well guess what UN. Israel is tired of getting attacked and the UN not doing anything about it. They took matters into their own hands and did your job for you! I think the only mistake Israel made is to stop. They should not have stopped until Hamas was completely obliterated! The tunnels are still open, there are still members of Hamas, as well as other Arab nations, calling for the destruction of Israel. Again, what is the UN doing? Nothing. What can they do? Well, they could hold Hamas accountable and work more closely with the Arab Nations to ensure more fair treatment of Israel for starters.
Now, the HOMICIDE bombers. The Liberally biased media LOVES calling them "suicide bombers". This is not accurate because if that was what they truly were, they'd only be killing themselves. The second they go to the town market and blow themselves up in a well known busy market place, they're committing a HOMICIDE. Henceforth, homicide bombers. Get it right Liberals!
Further, after Israel's right of defending itself against terrorism that the apparently Anti-Semitic UN and Europe refused to address, the UN sends representatives to "inspect the damage" on the part of the Palestinians from Israel. When did the UN EVER inspect damage inflicted up Israel via Hamas and other HOMICIDE bombers? When did they ever inspect various damage inflicted by rockets, by the nut running rampant with the bull-dozer several months ago? When? I have not read ONE account of inspections happening, ever. Not one. So, it is very clear, the UN and Europe appear to be very one sided here. Now, I realize that not everyone in Europe feels this way, and does not hold Anti-Semitic tendencies. However, everything I have ever read about Europe (as a continent, NOT individual countries), Anti-Semitism runs rampant. Still. God forbid that anyone should speak out against anyone of Middle Eastern decent, or is a Muslim. But if they're a Jew, screw 'em! How interesting that such a world body would favor one side over another rather than trying to settle a dispute.
Now all we hear is how Israel was brutal in their attacks, how they killed innocent Palestinians. Well, let's look at that for a moment. If the Terrorists INSIST on hiding in populated areas, if they insist on hiding in Mosques, in school, around market places that are highly populated, and also hiding people innocent people, that's not Israel's fault! Hamas has made those folks a target, and those folks are also allow themselves to be a target. You want the violence to stop, start sacrificing a bit them! The Jews should NEVER be the only ones who have to give in and sacrifice, ever! It's time the Palestinians stepped up to the plate and did some sacrificing and say ENOUGH, we are tired of the violence, Hamas, NO MORE! But, they've not done that, they give no indication of ever doing that. They do protest Israel's right to protect and defend themselves and continue to call for the destruction of Israel and Jews. Yet again, the UN and Europe do NOTHING about this. Oh no! It's ALL Israel's fault!
And after all that Israel has done to defend themselves, the tunnels that Hamas used to smuggle rockets into Gaza, are still open! Is the UN calling for Hamas to make any concessions? All I was able to find, was a quote by UN Chief Ban "Let me be clear: I condemn unequivocally and in the strongest possible terms the ongoing rocket and mortar attacks by Hamas and other Palestinian militants," he said. "But I also condemn the excessive use of force by Israel." So, in this quote he is feebly attempting to hold Hamas accountable, but he is also putting quite some blame on Israel as well. Well guess what UN. Israel is tired of getting attacked and the UN not doing anything about it. They took matters into their own hands and did your job for you! I think the only mistake Israel made is to stop. They should not have stopped until Hamas was completely obliterated! The tunnels are still open, there are still members of Hamas, as well as other Arab nations, calling for the destruction of Israel. Again, what is the UN doing? Nothing. What can they do? Well, they could hold Hamas accountable and work more closely with the Arab Nations to ensure more fair treatment of Israel for starters.
Now, the HOMICIDE bombers. The Liberally biased media LOVES calling them "suicide bombers". This is not accurate because if that was what they truly were, they'd only be killing themselves. The second they go to the town market and blow themselves up in a well known busy market place, they're committing a HOMICIDE. Henceforth, homicide bombers. Get it right Liberals!
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