Enemies List?

I remember from history, that ol' Tricky Dick had an enemies list. Everyone thought he was terrible. You cross him, you were on his crap list. Now, we have President Obama who is doing the same thing. He's not willing to give Fox News a fair shake. Do they lean to the right? Yes! And thank God for it! The claim the administration makes is that Fox is not a legitimate news network. They engage in smear tactics. Really? If it were not for Fox News, we would not know have the stuff we know about the various Czars that President Obama has placed in office! You wouldn't be seeing all the "Tea Parties" that swept across America. Why? Because his media didn't show you that. It wasn't news. The only time they did want to show anything about the Tea Parties was to slap the participants with a "you're racist" label because Obama is black, when the signs clearly said they were against increased taxes. You didn't see any of this Czar stuff on CNN. They didn't say a peep about Van Jones. Nope, all Fox. Obama is getting tired of the negative press. Even his administration has said that when Obama was campaigning, he was trying to control the media! And again, we see him doing just that. His administration referring to Fox as "not a legitimate news source" encouraging other "news" organization "don't follow Fox's lead". His goal, apparently, was to wipe Fox out. His attempt to control the media. If he takes Fox out, he knows the other media (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS) are all on his side. Further, Anita Dunn, the moron trying to justify why Fox should not be paid any attention, reports that if you watched Fox before the election of Obama, the most important stories concerned ACORN and Bill the domestic terrorist. Gosh, can't imagine why that's not news! A domestic terrorist that hangs out with the guy running for President, and an organization with MULTIPLE complaints against it in regards to voter fraud! And that's not news?! Seriously?! I think that's pretty relevant! However, according to FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting), Fox doesn't tell the truth about its ratings. They report that Fox has viewers that tend to "linger" for long periods of time, watching specific shows, or just watching for long periods of time that get them the highest ratings. They say the way the ratings work, the number of viewers are counted every minutes. So, the same viewers who watch for long periods are counted more than once. This is the average ratings. FAIR says you need to look at the Cume ratings because that's more accurate. It measures the short term viewers, who only watch a very few minutes. And, according to FAIR, Fox has low ratings in this department. CNN and CBS and all the other Liberal stations rule this category. Woo-Hoo! Fox has long term viewers and everyone else can't keep anyone more than a few minutes! Yep, I'd brag about that you Libs! You're the kings of the "I lost interest after a few minutes" crowd! Is that Kool and the Gand singin' Celebration in the background?
Isnt' it interesting, that the administration's biggest complaint is that Fox is trying to pass off opinion as news. Really? So, if a news station is passing their opinion off as news, they're not legitimate? Wow, sounds like the Liberal Media is in trouble! Cause, all the other stations are Liberal. Yet, we don't hear them complaining about that, do we? Crap, you have CNN "fact checking" the latest Obama Skit on Saturday Night Live and found many inaccuracies. IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE! These are people that should be steralized so they can't breed. Really, have they never seen Saturday Night Live before? And does anyone ever remember seeign Bush complaining about that? No! Apparently, President Obama has a very fragile ego.
However, Libs have wanted to control talk radio for quite some time. With their latest effort to shut down Foxnews, which seemingly hasn't worked, they might try it again. Recently, the Obama Administration wanted to give an interview to the press, and selectively left Fox out. The other news organizations stated if Fox was out, no one would interview him. Could it be, perhaps, that the Libs on these other stations now see that if they get on the wrong side of the Administration, they may be the next ones to be put out? Perhaps, just perhaps.
So, like Nixon, it seems that Obama has an enemies list. You either tow their line, or, you're on their list. Watch out!
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