Oh no he didn't!

Do we really need more proof that the empty suit in the White House is an idiot? Was it me, or did he make a really hollowly subtle attempt at illigitimizing the U.S. Supreme Court? In his State of the Union Address, which has now been picked apart by, well, pretty much everyone, as being factually inaccurate (including the AP which is hardly Conservative!), President Obama disagreed with the U.S. Supreme Court Decision on corporations contributing to political advertising. Now, it's one thing to disagree. However, by saying they did something that will "open the floodgates" to political contributions that Obama doesn't agree with (why, cause the original decision the Court was making involved contributions that resulted in a movie about Hillary Clinton "Hillary: The Movie" being made?) and essentially saying it was the wrong decision, well, you're really saying the Court has gone off its rocker. You're making the Court illegitimate. Do we really want to do that to one third of the government? Cause, if you eliminate that, then really, you're eliminating one of the Checks and Balances created by our Founding Fathers. So then, are ALL Court decisions up to be made illegitimate now? Well then, maybe we should re-examine Roe V. Wade. How about that Obama? Let's reconsider that one, huh? No? Why? Oh, because that's one you agreed with. So, I guess we'll just say every decision Obama disagrees with is an illegitimate decision. Because, he's worked so much harder that a U.S. Supreme Court Justice to get where he is.
Again, it's ok to not agree with a decision the Court has made. That's fine. But, whether you agree with it or not, you have to accept the decision. If you don't and you try to say that the Court made a bad call and were wrong, you're essentially saying there's no point in the Court existing, because you start to call into question their ability t o make decisions. Which, again, if we want to start down that road, let's start with Roe V. Wade then. But, I'm guessing Libs will not want to go that route. And if they're real smart, they'll not back Obama on this stupid comment he made. It opens a can of worms they may not want to see opened. Maybe not today, maybe not in ten years, but someday. I didn't care for Roe V. Wade, but I accept the decision, because the court has legitimate authority. Authority which Obama tried to dismantle last night in his speech.
If you watch the Supreme Court Justices closely, you'll see Sam Alito appearing as though he is physically ill, make a face and shake his head. You'll see Obama's choice, Sonya Sotomayor, sitting dutifully, clearly knowing her place. The others were rather stone faced, showing no emotion as they're supposed to be politically neutral; although we all know better. However, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, did she NOT look like she belonged in a nursing home? I couldn't tell if she were asleep, or dead. I'm not trying to make fun of her here, but good Lord, she looked dead! But again, if Obama is going to treat the Court as though they no longer have authority because he didn't like their decision, well then, it hardly seems to matter if she's dead, doesn't it?
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