A Clinton wanna be!

Watching the State of the Union Speech tonight, I couldn't help but be reminded of Bill Clinton. He was a very charismatic speaker, as is Obama. I noticed President Obama tried to crack many jokes and tie it in with real "substance" to get his message across easier. At one point, early on, I noticed the camera panned on Harry "dingy Harry" Reid. He was yawning. Perhaps Obama should have had an accept to help keep Harry awake.
There were some interesting ideas that I actually agreed with, in the Obama speech. Particularly the part about drilling off shore for oil more safely and developing cleaner burning coal, in addition to "green" energy. Yep, I'm on board with that! In fact, I was on board with it when the Republicans proposed it a couple years ago, but, the Democrats said "no way!". Now, all of a sudden, it's a good idea. And did you see that part about wanting to have safe, clean power and then Obama gave "nuclear power" as an example?! How many times have Republicans suggested that?! And the Libs screamed NO! This is why I feel Obama is a Clinton wanna be. Clinton screamed no at Republican ideas until they took over Congress about the 1994 election, and then, he stole their ideas, spiced them up with his own twist to it, then called them his ideas. How do you think Welfare Reform started? So now, because Obama is suggesting that nuclear power is the way to go, Libs are on board with it! How interesting!
And, because Libs didn't learn anything from Massachusetts yet, Obama still couldn't resist the urge to take swipes at Former President Bush about how he inherited the mess, and the previous 8 years contributed to the mess we're in now. He liked to boast about his Stimulus/Spending plan though! But he wasn't willing to accept responsibility for how it's not worked. Common Sense tells you if unemployment is at 8%, then you pass a nearly $1 trillion "stimulus" plan and unemployment goes up a few months after it's passed and money starts going out, IT DIDN'T WORK! Yet, he refuses to take responsibility for that. No, that's still left over from the previous 8 years. And here we are, a hair over a year into his presidency and still, nothing's his fault. He takes no responsibility for anything. But, he will take credit for stuff passing. But if it didn't work out, well, that's Bush's fault.
He states tonight that he is willing to listen to ANY ideas that Republicans have regarding the health care bill provided it meets certain criteria. Note, he's already putting limits on what he'll listen to. The Republicans have made many suggestions that meet the criteria. The only difference was, it didn't require a government take over (public option/Socialism) to get it. Nope, he didn't like that. In fact, Republicans were not consulted at all for the health care plans as written now. They had NO input, they were not allowed. In fact, Democrats held closed door meetings and locked Republicans out of the room. Obama claims that medical professionals, doctors/nurses, think the health care plan Libs put forward rocks! Really? So, they like how they'll be forced to take less reimbursement for accepting Medicare/Medicaid? Really? Wow, that's pretty interesting. And the part about seniors not having to face cuts? Well, in a way, that's true. My folks didn't have their Medicare cut. They had their premiums go up. By $60 for my father. So, truthfully, that's not a cut. But, it's certainly not a positive!
So, Obama is a Clinton wanna be. He is very charismatic, he talks all nice and sweet to get what he wants. He'll shake your hand, then, stab you in the back with the other hand. This was all quite well known as, "the politics of personal destruction". Clearly, the Libs have learned nothing from Massachusetts where, polls indicated they voted soley on the issue of health care. They have state run health care. Apparently, they don't like it, and don't like Obama-Care. And, most polls also show that. They don't like the care as it's written. Do I want to see Health Insurance Companies continue to screw people over? No. Do I want government to screw people over for health care instead? No.
And, Obama says he doesn't want to really screw with the banks and hurt them. Yet, he wants to go after legitimate businesses (banks) and tell them they don't have a right to give bonuses to their employees of whatever amount they want. It's a private business. You have no right to tell them that. Period. "But they took taxpayer money!" Yes, they did. And, desite what Obama ("you lie!") says, it HAS been paid back. With interest. Henceforth, you can't touch them now. Unless you pass more legislation to regulate them further, and I don't know that you can force them to not hand out whatever bonus they feel is appropriate. The only way you can do that is, take over the banking system. And it's not like the government has any experience running things and taking them over. Except for GM. And Social Security. And Medicare. And Medicare Part D, and Medicaid. And Amtrack. And all those work just peachy.
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