Note to Dems: you're next.

As we all witnessed this evening, America is very, very tired, of an administration that will not listen to them, that continuously insults them, and continues to refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.
Scott Brown, in a shocking upset, has won the vacant seat in Massachusetts tonight. We can all be proud of this moment because this was democracy in action. The people of Massachusetts spoke and we will now all have to wait and see if Dems and Libs alike, listen. Given their track record thus far, don't hold your breath! In a seat that was practically ordained, Coakley did not simply walk into the seat as predicted. Nope, but, this is part of the arrogance of the ultra Left in this country. Barney Frank himself had said before the election results was known that Coakley was going to lose because "she can't win on personality" and that "this is a personality contest", and that "Brown is not talking about the issues" becuase he only had a personality. Well Mr. Frank, piss off! Your side lost. I'll be sending him an e-mail with those very words tonight.
You must remember, this is a party, and Administration that has continuously mocked the American people, Demonized them, and called them Racist and Bigoted for disagreeing with President Obama. Because, you can't possibly be disagreeing with him on the issues, so, you must be racist. After all, that is what Janeane Garofalo has said about the Tea Parties. That they were full of Racists because they were disagreeing with a black man. They can't disagree with him on the issues, so, in her sick, twisted, and often ignorant and wrong minded thought process, they must be Racist. Incidentally, assuming her website allows me to post anything, I'll be putting that on her site, those very words. So, America has gotten tired of getting beat up by Libs and this Administration. So tonight, they hit back. Scott Brown said he would not support the current health care bill as it stands now. He's not against health care reform, just not this bill. He was very clear about that. And, he was seemingly elected on that. I would suspect to a much larger degree than Dems and Libs are willing to admit!
Now of course, all the Libs and Dems are blaming Coakley for this. That she's run a bad campaign, that it was all about personality, it had nothing to do with the issues. Yet, as I've already pointed out, this had EVERYTHING to do with the issues. But, what does one expect from a party that REFUSES to accept responsibility for ANY of their actions. They absolutely refuse to accept any responsibilty. Period. Rather than take an honest look and say "gee, why would people not like what we're doing", they blame Coakley. Where is the N.O.W.? A fellow lady, an intelligent one at that, is getting beaten up by a national party, one that NOW aligns with a lot, and they have NOTHING to say! Nothing! Had sad and pathetic. But then again, I have always felt that the NOW should be called the NOLW (National Organization of Liberal Women) since that is what they really stand for. They had no interest in Sarah Palin, only Hillary; which actually goes against their own Mission statement. I've read it, have you?
Even before the results were in, Coakley was, as has the current Administration, blamed former President Bush for the country's woes. There is no acceptance of responsibility for the legislation that President Obama put forth (which he bragged heavily about mind you) in the form of the Stimulus (SPending) bill that he swore if we passed, unemployment would not rise about 8%. Seen the numbers lately? It's 10%. He also swore it would create jobs. It's not. Jobs continue to be lost. Then he said it would save jobs. Hasn't done that either. Jobs continue to be lost. Now, he doesn't say anything about it, we just need to pass a second stimulis. Of course, Libs and Dems like to say "oh, but look at how much President Bush spent in 8 years!" Yep, in 8 years. And President Obama has spent how much in 1 year?! One frickin' year! But again, this is all Bush's fault. Libs and Dems refuse to accept responsibility for their president. Heads up morons YOUR GUY'S BEEN IN OFFICE FOR A YEAR! START TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS ACTIONS! HE CAN'T KEEP BLAMING BUSH WHEN HE'S BEEN IN FOR A YEAR, AND HE'S PASSED HIS LEGISLATION THAT HE SAID WOULD HELP THE US! I suppose in 3 more years, they'll continue to blame Bush. Little brains, can't think of anything else I guess. But, I have no expectations for a President that can't speak without a telepromter.
So, now the Demos know they're screwed. Moderate Dems are saying a vote on the health care bill should be stalled. But, watch VERY closely here. I predict they will ram the legislation through knowing it won't pass when Scott Brown gets sworn in. I Triple Dog Dare you guys to do it. If you do, I predict you will seal your coffins in November 2010! The race in Massachusetts is just the start. Heads up Libs. You're next come November 2010. The people have spoken, they don't appreciate being mocked, called racists and lunatics. Hold on to your socks. You're next in November. No Blue State Democrat is safe now.
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