Let's make a deal....

So, we have several opinion polls that indicate that Americans do not want this health care legislation, as it's currently written. They don't want the government involved in their health care. The Fox News Poll, out today, shows 55% of Americans not wanting this. Ramussen Reports, a very well respected polling agency, shows 53% of Americans don't want this. An executive at Caterpillar, the heavy machinery company, says that he advised both parties to vote against this because it would drive up health care costs and "by more than 20% (over $100 Million) in the first year alone and put at risk the coverage our current employees and retirees receive." Now, wasn't it Obama who said if you like your current health care coverage, you can keep it. Well, doesn't sound like it does it? Or maybe, he meant you could keep it, only so far as your employer could maintain it.
Next, this legislation, by 2014, would require most Americans to purchase health insurance or they would be fined and have to pay a penalty. Further, large businesses would have to provide good insurance benefits, or they'd have to pay a fine. Ok, so, we're going to start punishing businesses. Way to go Obama, that'll get the economy going! Cause if I'm a person in charge of a business, and I'm being told I have to provide good health insurance (which the government itself says isn't good because of the costs) or I'll be fined, screw it. I'll lay people off to protect my bottom line! So, I think it's possible, note-possible, that this will have a truly adverse effect on the economy! We have lots of Americans losing their jobs, and by this legislation, we're going to have more losing them potentially. But don't sweat it, cause, Obama will be taxing Americans for this. Because Socialized Health Care ain't free! Someone's paying for it. Ok, so, let's go after the rich to pay for it. After all, that's what Democrats and Libs are all about right? Class warfare! A sick jealousy of the rich, by those that aren't rich (can be middle class or poor).
I'm not rich, I wouldn't even say I'm middle class. I'm not jealous of the rich. I work real hard for what I've got. MOST of the rich people do the same! Yeah, some inherit it, and are just jerks. However, how many poor people, or middle class, own a business and employ HUNDREDS of people? I can't think of one! So, we're going to go after those making the most. Great. So, what's the incentive to maintain their level of employees? If I was going to be punished for working hard, I'd be laying people off left and right to protect my quality of life. I'd move jobs to overseas. Then of course, that means that people will be losing jobs here in the U.S. But, that's Democrats and Libs. We'll punish the rich and there is no insight to how that will effect the working folks.
I have also heard many Democrats and Libs cheer as politicians say they're going to put Insurance companies out of business. Really? Is that the goal? Cause, that sounds dangerously close to Socialism, which Libs say this isn't about, right? Further, how many Americans work for an insurance company, or would be effected by severe job cuts in an insurance company. Cause, everything does trickle down you know.
So, we also have those last few Democrats who voted "no" on the first bill and are having their arms "twisted" to vote yes this time. Exactly what are they doing? Hmmm? Well, nothing short of bribes. You had the "Louisiana Purchase" and the "Corn husker kickback". And, we have Dennis Kucinich. He was a "no" and swore he wouldn't be a "yes" unless the Public Option (nothing short of Socialized Health Care in my opinion) was left in the bill. Then, Willy Wonka, in the form of President Obama, comes along with the keys to Air Force One. Like the predator trying to lure the victim in his car, Obama offers Kucinich a ride. And wowsers! Suddenly Dennis is a "yes" vote now! Jeepers! Dennis Kucinich is nothing short of a cheap whore. I myself have e-mailed him this. I have received no response. If this were the Republicans making brides like this, rides on Air Force One, well then, we'd never hear the end of it, but, since it's Libs, it's ok. Shock of shocks.
And let's not forget that we have this "Deem and Pass" in which the bill is passed without anyone actually voting on it. Well, to me, it sounds a lot like a "rider" bill. In other words, you put a piece of legislation on something that you know will pass, but you put in on the back, such that it piggy back "rides" to passage. Henceforth, a "rider". Then, the legislators can say "I didn't vote for that!" Well, sure, you didn't vote EXACTLY for that, but, by your voting for the legislation you intended to vote for, you voted for the other too. So, this is a very deceptive way to pass a bill and I am truly hoping that Americans are able to see above this. It is a dirty trick. Have Republicans used it? I have no idea, but I bet they have. Does that make it right with the "well they used it too!" attitude right? No. Republicans are guilty of using it too I'm sure. But, did whatever they used it for, was it responsible for this much of the economy and cost this much? That's the difference. Ok, so, if the Libs want to play that game, "I didn't vote for it" because it's not a roll call vote, meaning names will not be tied to it, then that's fine. I think the American people need to just assume that all Democrats voted in favor of it. By making that assumption, I think we can easily say every Democrat in the House and Senate will have a big hurking target painted on their backs now. I believe their political careers will be over come November. I hope to God I'm right.
In any case, in all likeliness, Socialized Health Care will pass. In all likeliness. Then, the debt really starts and it's going to be tough to argue that we had more debut under Bush. But then again, everything Obama's done so far has been blamed on Bush. Who knew a retired President had so much power still?!
Ok, so, this is your role as a U.S. Citizen. Whether you agree with this legislation or not. You need to make your voice heard. Below you'll find the numbers to the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. It's your duty to call or contact your person in Congress. Now, I'm told that the phone lines have been flooded for days. So, PLEASE call the LOCAL office if you can't get through to the National Office. You can use the internet to find the local office, as well as look up the local office numbers on the individal pages of your Congress Persons. I'll include the links to the websites for that too. One last thing. Two nights ago President Obama spoke to Fox News. He made several lame and arrogant attempts to control the conversation and not let Brett Baier get a word in edgewise. One thing he said, however, should scare the crap out of you. He stated that once we vote this bill in (referring to health care), "we'll know what's in it." This says, even he doesn't know what's in it. How many people plunk down their money (in this case nearly a trillion in tax money) for something and the person selling it to you says, I'm not telling you what's in it, cause I don't know, but once you pay for it, we'll find out together.
The above numbers are the general operators for the Capital. They'll transfer your calls to your representative. You can look up the numbers to the local office nearest you by visiting your Congress Person's website page. I recommend you use that if you can't get through on the phone to the national office.
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