Take note, historic moment, new standard set by Libs.

It was announced today, by Ms. Sherrod, that she will "definitly sue" Andrew Breitbart for posting "edited" video to "make me appear racist". She went on to put the blame squarely on Fox and NO OTHER media outlet. The NAALCP (Natioal Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People) and the O-Bummer Administration escaped criticism from her. Nope, Fox is to blame for all of it. Well, we've got a lot of work to do here I think. Let's get started, shall we?
First, does anyone, including this woman whom I am beginning to really question the intelligence of, understand what she just did by declaring she'll sue for the posting of this video? She's been screaming all over to anyone that will listen that it was all taken out of context, and as with my previous column, context DOES matter. Also with my previous column, WORDS also matter. Anyone got it figured out what she's just done? No? Ok. I'll talk to ya like you're 5.
She set a NEW standard. The Liberals have just set a NEW STANDARD. The new standard is as follows. You apparently can't post ANY clip. Nothing. Even if it's a video of the person speaking themselves, their own words. Because, unless you play the WHOLE clip, it'll be branded as "taking it out of context". Crap, what's Michael Moore going to do now? Doesn't that pretty much just shut down the rest of his "mock-umentary" career? After all, he "cut and splices" EVERYTHING he does to adavance his agenda. And one could argue that Al Gore does too with his satire, "An Inconvenient Truth" which is now WELL documented to have had segments digitalized (the scene with the polar bear walking across the ice berg is the biggest example) to draw out "empathy" for this myth the Liberals call global warming. I stopped believing it the second that I started reading the data from the scientists that screamed about it so much, and then, they actually admitted it wasn't as bad as they said. AND, that it had been exaggerated. Yet, the myth continues to be propelled. But, I digress. Ms. Sherrod.
So, she's now set this standard where anyone that just plays a clip, just what they WANT to have, the thing THEY want to really get across to people, can now get you sued. Or at least, can get you in a positon whereby you can try to sue someone. Ok, so, I just want to put a few people on notice who take things out of context and maybe play a clip, or maybe use part of a quote or manipulate something that someone said in order to portray them in a particular light. Maybe it'd be a shorter list if I just named the Democrats who DON'T do this. Hmm.
President Obama-you're on notice. You repeatedly say Conservatives are the "party of no". We all know this ain't true. They just say no to what YOU want to do. But, they do work with Democrats, they have to, just as Democrats have to work with Conservatives when they were in the minority, and likely are going to be again come November.
Joe Biden-you're on notice. Same reason as above. Plus, you verbally just stumble more than President Bush ever did and the blatantly Liberal Media looks the other way.
Ms. Sherrod-you're on notice. You state that ONLY Fox is to blame. This is where I really question your intelligence. I think you should use your brain for something other than hair fertilizer. Anyone with a 7th grade education can read into that one. I would buy your argument that Fox was PARTLY to blame, IF the whole tape was not "breaking news" on Fox as it was coming out. NOT ONE show played the tape at the time it was first released. Why? BECAUSE ALL THE SHOWS ARE TAPED AHEAD OF TIME AND NONE OF THEM GOT AN ADVANCED COPY OF THE TAPE. ONLY THE NEXT DAY, WHEN THEY TAPED THE NEW SHOW DID THEY SHOW THE TAPE. Henceforth, it was NOT just Fox to blame. The tape hit Breitbart's site FIRST. And what was wrong with what he showed. YOU stated you didn't help him "as much as I could have". Those were YOUR words! YOUR WORDS. Again, yes, context matters, but SO DO YOUR WORDS. And the whole "it was 20 some odd years ago". I DON'T CARE how long ago it was. You spoke them. Libs have NEVER cared how long ago something happened when it comes to a Conservative saying something stupid, and they say JUST AS MANY stupid things! So, turnabout is FAIR PLAY DEAR. And lets not forget your comments about Communism, you know the "haves vs. have nots". And how you thought that should change. That's the fundamental of Communism. You want Communism, go to North Korea or Cuba, or even Venzuala I hear. I'm sure you'll ove it there. They're all about Communism. And Gosh, it's SO successful there, NO Cubans EVER try to come to the US. In fact, there's a MASS EXODUS from the US to these Communist states, isn't there?
Democrats-any Democrate that has ever said Conservatives want to see old people die, and continue to play that clip of Newt Gingerich stating that Social Security will "shrivle on the vine". Now, THAT was played out of context because his next sentence was about the Republican's plan to try to fix it. BUT, THAT WAS NEVER PLAYED and the DEMOCRATS were responsidble for that. So, I guess Newt can now sue the DNC, huh? Crap Newt, sue the crap out of them! It's the new Standard that Sherrod set.
Harry Reid and San Fran Nan Pelosi-you're both on notice because you both always portray Conservatives in a bad light with carefully edited and taken out of context clips.
Michael Moore-you're on notice. You can now NEVER make another movie without EVER being sued again. Thank you Ms. Sherrod for bring to us this new standard, we can now put Moore out of business. Thank you! His "Bowling for Columbine" movie. He shows a clip of Charleton Heston holding a gun at an NRA Convention talking about having his gun when they take it out of his cold dead hands, or something to that effect. What Mr. Moore never BOTHERED to tell anyone was, that convention took place TWO MONTHS prior to the Columbine shooting. It was carefully "taken out of context" to put the NRA and Conservatives in a bad light. Well, I guess now that since that movie is still out there, the NRA can sue Michael Moore now. Great, thanks Sherrod for bringing us this new standard!
All Democrats calling Tea Party people racist-you're on notice. You have NO proof that the "N" word was ever used at the rally you ALWAYS cry about, despite cameras and microphones EVERYWHERE. So, people you claim these things without proof, I think you should be sued. After all, you're portraying Tea Partiers in a bad way to make them look racist without words.
So, we, as Conservatives, will now UPHOLD you to YOUR own NEWLY CREATED STANDARD. I will expect, of course, for the blatantly liberally biased media to not take ANYTHING out of context, or, face massive lawsuits! So, the following news outlets are on notice:
CNN Headline News
New York Times
LA Times
You're all going to be sued now when you take things out of context and only include either clips or quotes that put someone in a bad light. Let's the what Libs do best, sue! Tie the courts up!
Thank you Ms. Sherrod for showing Conservatives the new standard that I urge Conservatives to use against Libs. Hold onto your socks Libs, you're about to be sued for doing what you've done for decades!
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