Monday, December 20, 2010

How dare they.....

Ever the popular ground to spout off about, the Left is once again stiring up Class Warfare. They like to high light the differences between the haves, and have nots. I would like to remind everyone out there, Left, Right, or somewhere else all together, that America is the land of opportunity. You work hard, put your nose to the grind stone, you get results. Perhaps, the Left is getting things mixed up with that though. Perhaps, their thinking is more along the lines of work hard if you feel like it, and get the blessings of those who work harder. Now, I know many people that are not well off and they do work hard. That's the way things are. However, I think going after the rich because they're rich is insane. Most of them worked very hard to get where they are. Most of them. Most of them worked very hard to get where they are, and to make what they make. Now, for someone to come along and say "how dare you get paid that kind of money", I'd like to ask; "who are you to decide what their compensation is?" Did you put in the hours that they did or the hard work that they did? Did you make the sacrifices they did, or currently do? Some of you would argue, yes I did. But how would you know? Doctors, for example, have worked 12 hours a day. Many doctors have worked 100 hours a week in some cases. Have you done that? Did it cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to school? Do you have to pay Malpractice Insurance because some people will sue for anything at the drop of a hat, as a way of making a quick buck? These may also be the same people that claim permanent disability such that they can also live off the tax payers for life and not have to work. Oddly enough, the lawyers that sue doctors for this crap probably make ungodly amounts of money, but ironically, there's no complaint about that. Wonder if it's because they're considered Liberal, or maybe, they're just helping out a Liberal cause.

So, we have a President who's bent on continuing the class warfare, despite Americans polling that EVERYONE deserves a tax break. If you pay taxes, you deserve a continuation of the tax break that was set to expire. If you pay the MOST in taxes, as the rich do, then you deserve the biggest break. I frequently hear Liberals say we need a Progressive Tax System whereby if you make more, you're taxed more. Well guess what? We already have that. In this country, the more you make, the more you pay. Period. I've heard many say that they have paid more in taxes than rich people. This is a lie. This is not remotely possible. I am in the 28% tax bracket myself. It is impossible for me to pay more than that, based on my income. The only way I pay more, is if I make more. The rich are paying somewhere around 35%. So, when someone says they're paying more than the rich pay, they're lying. It is not possible. As Americans, we need to call them on their crap. So, the next time someone gives you this line of crap, tell them. "You're lying. It is not possible for you to pay more than a rich person based on the IRS Income Tax laws". Now, if you were to take into consideration any state income tax (examples are New York or Oregon), then sure, you're paying more, but still not as much as the rich pay, because they have to pay that too. Now, if you're unlucky enough to be paying a city or county income tax, such as New York City, you're paying even more. You're taxed for nearly everything in New York State. Gee, wonder if that's why people are moving out there and moving West; at least according to the latest Census Data. This translates into less seats for Democrats when districts are redrawn. And if the Republicans re-draw it to their advantage, all the better. Cause the Libs would be doing the same thing if they were in that position.

So, Obama is making the rich out to be the enemy. Ok. Where you getting your campaign financing from there Obama? If I were rich and he wanted to attack my finances, I'd stop donating to him. I think all the rich should stop giving to Democratic Causes because they continue to perpetuate class warfare. You know who also perpetuated class warfare? Karl Marx and Engels. The founders of Communism. So, when Obama and Libs cry about Obama not being a Socialist, I guess they're right. He's a Communist. Which, is SO much better. Actually, that's sarcasm. It's worse. It's a limitation of freedom, if not the total lack of it. My view point, but I think, an accurate one. So, Obama needs the rich. He needs their money.

I think what's really being pushed here, other than class warfare, is jealousy. Some people in our society want the rich's money, but, they don't want to work for it. They just want the hand out. They see it as an entitlement. They have a RIGHT to that money! How dare the rich make what they make! They don't need it, they're all greedy. Look how bad I'm off. Well then, work harder, work more, cut back expenses, whatever you need to do. So you can't afford cable anymore. Fine. So you can't afford to go on those trips you do anymore. Fine. Maybe you can't support your "habit", whatever that is, anymore. Fine. You may have to live within your means. So do it. Stop attacking the rich, who have worked hard for what they have.

Now, one would ask, why do they continue to perpetuate class warfare? Simple. They have nothing else to contribute to the discussion. They can't talk about health care because they rammed it through against most people's wishes. Republicans tried to warn people that it needed to be discussed and debated, but the Democrats wouldn't allow for that. And here we are, some "unfortunate" consequences of the new health care law. These include premiums going up, many businesses looking at not having benefits any longer and so forth. Republicans warned of this. Nancy Pelosi had said "we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it." Gosh, too bad we didn't know before it passed.

Now, having said all that, it would be nearly impossible to repeal. As much as I don't care for the Democrats, they're not stupid. They constructed the bill in just such a fashion that, if you delete parts of the bill, it will effect other parts of the bill. Everything is nearly interconnected. So, repealing parts is nearly impossible, repealing the whole thing is nearly impossible. Unless you just scrape the whole thing and start all over. Which, is what most Americans are saying at this point. Will it ever happen? Probably not.

So, while our President continues to blast the rich for working hard, stiring up emotions instead of facts, Americans are falling for this. At least, the "have nots" that are guilty of nothing else than jealousy. They want what the rich have, without having to work for it. Me, I never want to be rich. I would prefer to remain in the tax bracket I'm in. However, for those Americans that people that taxes should be higher, particulary for the rich "because they should pay more!" (incidentally, as I've already demonstrated, they DO pay more), I would like to encourage them to make a donation to the US Department of the Treasury. If you feel you're not paying enough in taxes, then please, feel free to donate to the Treasury! I don't imagine they would ever turn you down. Feel free to donate 10%, 20%, 50% extra above and beyond what you already pay. You will find their address below:

US Department of the Treasure

1500 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, D.C.



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