So, now that the shoe is on the other foot.......

Do you remember when President Obama "dissed" our US Supreme Court allowing corporations to make contributions to political campaigns/parties? Didn't Obama talk about how destructive that was going to be, how it would destroy our way of life, you know, all the crap they usually spew like a toilet backing up with "friends"? Well, since that court decision was made, and it is a US Supreme Court decision and they are the law of the land, they are the final word However, Obama did try his best to make the decision illegitimate and, therefore, make the court illegitimate as well. The Democrats have been screaming about how the Republicans have been raising an enormous amount of money and how it's all special interests and corporations will be controlling everything, and "the sky is falling! The sky is falling!" mentality. And to be fair, yes, the Republicans have been very successful at raising money. Well now, we seem to have a change.
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees boss Gerald McEntee announced to the NY Times on Teusday that the million member union's latest batch of political ads will take the group's spending on the midterm elections to $91 million, far and away the most spending by any group this cycle (Chris Stirewalt,, 10/27/10). Now, you're probably asking "how do you know they donated to Democrats?" Well, how many unions do you know that have been pro-Republican? Good Lord, a union member was fired recently becuase he was wearing a George H.W. Bush shirt and hat because his son in the Navy is serving on that ship. Apparently, President Obama's people got upset about that as this guy was setting up the stage and the Obama people mentioned something to the union heads, and the guy was fired. Fired! How outrageous is that!? And, that's not all. It was also announced on Tuesday that the Center for Responsive Politics revealed that, if you look at it as a whole, both Democrats and Democrat allied groups have raised and spent FAR more than their republican counterparts--$856 million versus $677 million (Chris Stirewalt, So, the next time you hear a Lib complain about how much money the Republicans are getting, remind them of the above facts with the sources cited. Indeed they may decry as to how they are being outspent, however as you can clearly see, they're not.
In fact, the Democrats have known that they were likely to get their butts handed to them because they were pushing an agenda that the majority of the American People didn't want. And they did it anyway! Then, President Obama didn't want to discuss it anymore, he wanted to just do it. The efforts of Republicans to slow down and discuss it came with screams of racism and charges of "that's just what they said about ending slavery!" Let's not forget who tried to stop the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1965, Democrats! Including Al Gore's father! Don't believe me though, look it up in Congressional Record!
So, Dems have been trying to get money from CORPORATIONS that were favorable to Dems. This includes Labor Unions as well as they are almost like a corporation, albeit, a Liberal one, so, they're an "ok" corporation. Because they're Liberal. But any other corporation, oh my Lo9rd, you're the Devil! Dems have been getting support from the Pharmaceutical industry, government workers unions, the AFL-CIO and the American Federation of Teachers! Well gee, the labor unions have REALLY benefitted from Obama and his auto bail outs. I argue the labor unions have done enormous damage to the industry, and yet, members still put their faith in the unions! They're the ones hurting you and your employment! What have you been getting for your union dues?! What services?!
So, now that it is clear that Dems are getting more cash, and spending more, I wonder. Where are all the cries of corporations and special interests are corrupting politics and political parties? Hmmm? Man. The sound of the crickets is DEFEANING!
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