The potential damage of I-1098...
So, Bill Gates Sr. is feeling guilty for being rich, and, he feel SO guilty, that he wishes to speak on behalf of all rich people. Hmm, ok, if I were rich, I'd totally want him speaking for me! Note, extreme sarcasm. I don't want this ignorant Liberal speaking for me whatsoever if I'm rich!
Initiative 1098 will seek to pass an income tax on the riches people in the state. What's rich according to them? $200,000. Whoa Nelly, don't that sound like a freakin' lot!? Well, it does if you only make $20,000 a year. Then again, if you want to make more money, just get another job. Yeah, it might suck working two jobs, but, you have 3 choices before you if you want or need more money. Get another job or additional job, change your lifestyle, or cut down your expenses. Myself, I've cut down a bit, while at the same time I've worked 2 jobs for over 7 years. So, if you think about it, I'm contributing more to the tax base than others. And you know what? I deserve a break, not a new tax.
I-1098 only hurts those that make over a certain income, right? Wrong. It does start out that way, but, there is NO promise that the state legislature will alter it in two years in just such a way such that the income tax encompasses more individuals. After all, we just saw this with the state legislature (Controlled by Libs nonetheless!) this past summer didn't we? They didn't like not being able to raise taxes without having a public vote. Well, after two years, the legislature can mutate an initiative to their will to better suit them. So, they did. Pow! No more having to put tax increases before a public vote. Taxes on candy and bottled water now! Zowie! Thanks Liberals! And they say that it would only be for 3 years that this would be in effect, right? Just to raise extra income. Well, that's 3 years of extra tax a family may end up paying that they could ill afford. Certainly will hit them at Halloween would't it? Plus, why on earth would you raise taxes during a Recession? What society has EVER been taxed into prosperity? Seriously, name one for me.
Ok, so, let's say we pass I-1098. Bamo! Instant tax increase on the rich, right. Ok, how many poor people do you know that ever really supplied a job? Cause if I'm rich and I'm going to be taxed more, I'm going to spend much less money. If I'm spending much less money, less money in the economy, right? Less money in the economy, the economy will dramatically improve, right? Wrong. Worse economy, worse in terms of more job losses. Rich folks, when they spend their money, create jobs. It makes sense and it's just the way it is! If I'm rich, I could go to the movies daily if I wanted to. If I'm unfairly taxed, I'm not going as often. Not going as often, the teenager, or perhaps retired person or single parent, will have less business and therefore may get their hours cut. Hours cut, less money coming in to their house. Less money they spend. And of course that improves the economy, right? No. It gets worse. But in Liberal Land, this makes perfect sense! How racists or classist can you be not to want to raise taxes you shmuck!
Ok, I have a great suggestion for the rich that feel guilty for being rich. DONATE YOUR MONEY TO NEEDY PROGRAMS. One of the things the next tax is to help with is healthcare. Ok, rather than raise taxes, why don't rich people feeling guilty for being rich donate HUGE sums of money to the Memorial Hospital Foundation that is used to help people who can't afford their healthcare needs at the hospital? I'm confident Regional would not turn down a check either. Or, just selected a private doctor out of the phone book, call them up and ask if there's any patients that need help paying their bill, you'd like to donate some money to help cover their costs. Why raise the tax? Because, it's a way in to a state income tax on EVERYONE. So, Liberal pions, you're not fooling us. We know better! The state legislature is always looking for ways to flush more money down the toilet for education in Washington State. Having been a teacher for 4 years, I've got every right to say that. I saw many programs that were a waste of money. A total waste! Yet, we still will fund them, and in fact, we want to fund them more! Because not enough money is surely the problem with why it's not working. It can't possibly be because it's a crappy program. Heck no! I say, cut programs that don't work. Get rid of lousy teachers that shouldn't be there, and let me tell you, there's a lot of them from Ellensburg, to Yakima to Wapato! But, given that this state is a slave to the messed up ultra Liberal Teacher's union that, for some part, holds teachers hostage, I'm sure the union will really push the Liberal Legislature for more tax funded programs that don't work, or, to further fund ones that don't work.
So, this fall, we have a choice. Pass, or reject, I-1098. We have evidence that the state legislature will bypass the will of the people to do whatever it wants by amending an Initiative to meet their needs after two years. We have every reason to believe it will be done again. And we have rich people that feel guilty for being rich, and apparently, refuse to donate their money to programs instead of essentially raising taxes on the rest of us. That's their choice if they refuse to donate, but don't tax me because of your choice. As always, you must make the choice this November. Choose wisely. Otherwise, you just might get what you vote for.
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