Over the last several days, you have likely heard Obama talking about Israel and the Palestinians. You have heard Obama instructing Israel how the way to achieve peace is to have Israel return to the borders of 1967. Benjamin Netanyahu has made it quite clear that those borders would be indefensible. Period. It would greatly put Israel at risk. Hamas, as part of their charter, has called for the destruction of Israel. They do not believe Israel has a right to exist. Now, a separate Palestinian states has been proposed since at least President Clinton. No one has ever brought peace to the region. The Bible says that the one who will bring peace, will be the Anti-Christ. Now, I would not say Obama is the Anti-Christ, primarily because I don't believe he's that smart. If he were that smart, I hardly believe he would suggest that Israel collapse their borders to a position in which it would be indefensible. Then again, perhaps President Obama is simply Anti-Semetic.
As we know the Palestinian Authority has always had the problem of Hamas. It is well know they call for the destruction of Israel. President Obama tells us that Palestine needs to deal with Hamas, not the US. You know Obama, even if you're right, how's that been working so far for Palestine? Hmm? To the best of my knowlege, it's not worked out too well yet. So, you have to take Hamas into consideration when you tell Israel to shrink their borders. The fact that he's not taking that into consideration, is essentially condeming Israel to further attacks and that much closer to destruction. And what authority does Obama have in the region to negiate on the behalf of Israel anyway. He may be able to make strong suggestions, but then again, he's not Jewish and he doesn't live there. The US has always been an ally of Israel, but Obama seems hell-bent on changing that. I can think of no other explanation here.
Upon looking at UN Resolutions condeming Israel for something or other, there must be at least 100. I was unable to find ANY Resolutions against Palestine for their numerous rocket attacks, the HOMICIDE bombers (it's only a SUICIDE bombing if they blow themselves up, but, since their goal is to kill as MANY JEWS AS POSSIBLE when they blow themselves up, it is henceforth HOMICIDE bombings.).
Today at the White House, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had to take President Obama by the hand and informed Obama that, for security reasons, they cannot go back to the 1967 borders. It is indefensible and does not take into account "changes on the ground" in the last several decades. This should be read as the rise of Hamas who vows to destroy Israel. Further, each time a "cease fire" has been initiated, someone associated with the Palestinians (Hamas, Hezbollah, etc) have always violated it. Yet, Israel is condemed for protecting themselves and for not conceeding their land to the Palestinians. Then, Prime Minister Netanyahu had to "educate" Obama and remind him that Hamas is a Terrorist Organization, and that President Obama himself has referred to them as that. And not only that, but, he had to remind Obama that Hamas has attacked both him (Obama) and the US because of killing Bin Laden. As you can imagine. Obama was pissed! To be "dissed" like that in front of reporters! Well, if you don't say stupid stuff like that Obama, then you won't get an education like that in front of reporters.
Perhaps President Obama needs to go back to school and study Middle Eastern History as it relates to Israel. If President Obama is NOT feeling humiliated, or like a real moron, he's not NEARLY as smart as he pretends to be. C'mon Obama. Use your brain for something other than hair fertilizer. Yes, I am absolutely stating that Obama has "crap for brains."
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