Liberalism just don't seem to be workin' here....

So, Obummer put forth his Spending (Stimulis) bill that was nearly $1 Trillion. He promised shovel ready jobs. So, the Spending bill failed. Period. It has failed. It has not increased jobs, it's not saving jobs, and those "shovel ready jobs", well, even Obama states "they were not as shovel ready as we thought." Ok, so, this was Obama's vast journey into true Liberalism, actually, Socialism. And shocker, didn't work. It has failed miserably. He didn't have a plan other than "tax the rich" for deflating the debt. Ok, so, even if you taxed them at 90%, would that even remotely bring down the debt? Seriously? No. It wouldn't. Not to mention the second you did that, they would likely pull all their jobs and investments out of the US and put them somewhere where it would not be taxed or the US couldn't come after it. Say, Switzerland. As for the jobs, they'd just move them overseas somewhere. And THAT would really help the economy now, wouldn't it? Of course, that would also be "Bush's Fault!" right? Never mind that the first two years of office, Obama got EVERYTHING he wanted, the Obummer Health Care Plan (which was supposed to lower premiums, but had the opposite effect and has actually raised them a lot) and to which Conservatives cried about how it would drive up costs and businesses would just cease an employees health care plan and tell the employee to simply get on the government plan. To which Libs denied. But then, you had companies come out and say just that! They were elminating the health care plans and people could just get on the government plan. And gosh, itsn't government run health care just great?! How long does Medicare give you to stay in the hospital? What's that? Three days. If you're not better after three days, PISS OFF, JUST GO HOME AND DIE. Libs tend to forget that. Not to mention all the "Bribery" pay offs to get certain politicians to vote in favor of the bills (think the "corn husker kickback"). Then of course, we now have all these different companies, including McDonalds, getting "exemptions". Which, begs an really interesting question. If it's such a great plan, and businesses would love to have it, why all the exceptions then? Hmmm? I thought it wouldn't hurt businesses.
Now of course, Obummer has another "great plan" that is so great, he can't tell anyone until after Labor Day. Meanwhile, just today, the Dow sank nearly 500 points! You know, if I were president, and I had a super duper plan, I think I would reveal it asap because my approval rating for the handling of the economy now sits at 26% according to some polls. I'd like to know about that 26%. Is there any time at which they don't smoke pot? Cause, if you don't smoke pot, then you surely must be brain dead. Because the economy is MUCH WORSE since Obama took over. He OWNS the economy! It's not Bush's fault any longer. You began making decisions, you are responsible for the economy! You can't claim credit for passing things, they piss and moan about Bush when YOUR plans don't work out! Grow a pair Obama!
Next, San Fran Nan Pelosi. She took a BUTT LOAD of heat at a recent town hall. But, it wasn't because they were pissed at her because she voted for the joke of a debt ceiling compromise, and the even worse joke is the Partisan Libs on the Super Committee to come up with cuts. YOu have one Democrate who says he's going to use the committee as a way of addressing the gap between rich and poor. This guy is a moron. THAT'S NOT THE POINT OF THE COMMITTEE! But, that's who San Fran Nan felt was fair and balanced.
So, San Fran Nan took heat at the town hall because the Leftists there felt she wasn't Liberal enough. Excuse me? Not enough? You saw the usual nut jobs, such as the genius in the picture above that states "tax the rich". You know what genius girl? The rich are taxed and I bet they pay more than you ya free loader. Instead of taxing the rich so much, lets start going after the bums that don't even pay taxes, but bleed dry the public assistance. Let's go after them. Yout see other geniuses in the pictire talking about cuts. I assume this means Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. Well, if you don't do anything with them, guess what? They go bankrpt and, to quote Caddieshack one of my favorite movies, "you'll get nothing! And like it!" So, keep in mind, Bush had a plan to VOLUNTARILY allow people to put 3% of the money taken out for Social Security into the stock market. Is that risky now? Yep. But, you invest in the stock market for the long term. Period. And since people generally work for 30 years, after 30 years in the stock market making lots of interest and dividends, you'll have a nice sum of money. Certainly, more than you'd have from Social Security as it's set up now! But, the Demon Crats decided to not play ball and just leave it as it is. Bush stated at his last State of The Union Address said if they did that, it'd only get worse. They cheered when he called attention to them not playing ball. They CHEERED! So Libs, here we are, right where you fought to be! Social Security is insolvent now. It will be bankrupt in 10-20 years. Thanks Libs. Same with Medicare and Medicaid. Libs REFUSE to do anything, thereby making it worse. They have become the party of NO! So, I fully blame Libs here. Fully. Conservatives are not innocent, but, Libs have become the party of no, and when they make things worse with that, well, then they blame Conservatives. So, no. I blame Libs, 100%.
Then, you have Warren Buffet, Liberal Moron, stating that "the government should stop coddling the rich" and, presumably, he refers to forcing the rich to pay their share. Well genius, they DO. They are the highest taxed, period. Check with the IRS if you don't believe me. I did. But, when you go to all these rich Libs and tell them to voluntarily give up their wealth by sending a check to the US Department of the Treasury, suddenly, they're not so vocal. You know, the morons of Liberalism like Matt Damon, Genine Garoffalow and of course, Warren Buffet. And, the morons in the picture above. They scream about taxing the rich, they want the rich to give more, but, you can never really pin them donw on a number as to how much though. Now, if you ask the morons in the picture above, they'd likely give an absurd number like 90%. I demand they pay THEIR fair share though. Good luck with that though.
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