Wah! Wah! Wah!

Most of the "lame stream" Liberally biased media is not covering this. So far, I've only seen/heard of Conservative news covering it. You know, the news that Libs say isn't REAL news. Of course, they only say that because they have no control to spin THAT news. And since only about 7 people actually watch MSNBC and CNN has just enough viewers to get by, I'll have to bring this news to you. Or, you can check out Fox News and get it there.
Rep. Joe Armstrong of the Tennessee House has demanded a satirical candy making fun of Obama be pulled from the University of Tennessee Bookstore in Knoxville. The candy is the picture above. Obama "Disappoint Mints". Apparently, a gutless, pansy, whiny Lib found the candy "offensive". As he couldn't stop crying about it and found his poor little feelings hurt SO much, he complained to his representative, the dis-honorable Rep. Joe Armstrong. Now, I don't have a problem with him contacting the representative. That's what the representatives are for, to hear the concerns of constituents. Joe Armstrong investigated, found it to be true, and demanded it be removed as he found it offensive. Well, many Americans find Obama offensive. I do. All he does is blame Bush for everything and refuses to take responsibility for things that have gotten worse under him, but he's ok with taking the credit for something. Until it doesn't work.
Incidentally, the bookstore sold a very similar satirical candy of Bush. No one complained. No one demanded it be removed. Now, I wouldn't like it either, but, I just wouldn't buy the thing, or shop at the bookstore. Why couldn't this whiny Lib do that? Hmmm? Why couldn't Joe Armstrong just say "well, it's free speech." Nope. Armstrong is apparently in favor of censorship iif he doesn't like something. I have been trying to contact him at the Tennessee State Legislature webpage. However, everytime I click on it, the page will not load. So, I can only guess that the response to his idiotic decision has been SO great, the webpage has crashed. I was able to find a "comment board" for Armstrong however. That is still up and running. The link for that is:
Now, if you at some point wish to try the Tennessee State Legislature page for Armstrong later, as I will, the link is:
I have checked this link again. It continues to do nothing. So, again, the response must be OVERWHELMING.
This reeks of the highest order of censorship. No representative, federal or state, has the right to tell a store to pull their product because it offends them. I will also be contacting the University of Tennessee, Knoxville bookstore to complain about this as well. If you would like to send an e-mail to the university bookstore the address is below:
I would encourage those, whether they agree with this or not, to contact the above persons to express that. I for one do not believe in censorship and have no problem with the mints. No one seemed to have a problem with them when it was making fun of Bush. So, no one should have a problem when it makes fun of Obama.
Just found an e-mail address for Representative Joe Armstrong. The webpage has crashed, let's crash his mail system too.
Feel free to contact him with complaints, or, with encouragement. I have a feeling he'll need the encouragement.
I have just sent an e-mail to the above address. The e-mail server has CRASHED. The message was returned as "undeliverable" despite having the correct e-mail address. Do NOT let that keep you from trying! I will continue to try ALL DAY until it gets through. I am not willing to call as I'm not wasting the minutes on my cell.
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