Ginger White. I have no friends....
What we have here, is a failure to communicate. Famous words, from where, I can't remember. However, these words may apply to the latest woman to come forward to accuse Herman Cain of impropriety. Do I think he really had an affair? Nope. I think that this woman is just the latest to get in line with all the others trying to bring Cain down. If this was happening to Obama, it would all be chucked up to racism. But since Cain is Conservative, well, it can't POSSIBLY be because of race. Nope. And to be fair, not all the accusers are White. I don't see the NAALCP (National Association of Liberal Colored People) coming to Cain's side to defend him in all the good he has done, in the role model that he could be for his success. No shock. Again, Cain is Conservative. Henceforth, doesn't really fit the agenda of the NAALCP.
I have heard many comment that this is no different than Bill Clinton. Really? I see a huge difference. For starters, Bill Clinton was in office at the times he had accusers. When he was Governor and when he was President. To the best of my knowledge, Cain hasn't held political office. Some would say it was sexual harassment because of his position in Godfathers, as well as the other business positions he's held. Well, I would agree. IF he did what he was accused of. Then again, it can absolutely be argued that it was sexual harassment on the part of Bill Clinton as he was in a position of power over Lewinski. But, the morally corrupt Left just let that fly by without a comment. Let's keep in mind, their non-condemnation of the acts can only mean they condone them. So, they are on record as being the party of Adultery. They're apparently pro-Adultery. Yep, that's what I look for in a political party.
So, I've seen multiple interviews with this chick, Ginger White. One comment she made really struck me. "I don't know why, for the last 2 1/2 years anyone would be calling or texting me." Really? Let's think about that statement. She has NO idea why ANYONE would be calling or texting her for the last 2 1/2 years. But, she alleges that she had a 13 year affair with Cain. Well, which is it dearie? Was it 13 years, or was it the last 2 1/2? And really, you have NO idea why ANYONE would be calling or texting you in the last 2 1/2 years? Gosh, I guess she has no friends then. IF she has NO idea why someone would be calling or texting her in the last 2 1/2 years, then one can only conclude that she has NO friends. If that's the case, then can't one simply argue that she's only doing this for attention then? Cain has already stated that they were good friends. I call my friends, why on earth would he not call his?
I think that this is simply Libs trying to bring Cain down. When Hillary Clinton was on the committee looking at Richard Nixon, she stated character counted (and it does). Then, when her piss pore hubby was under the microscope, suddenly, character no longer counted. I wonder then, now that it's another Conservative under the microscope, does she again believe that character counts?
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