We get what we deserve...
Beginning tomorrow, we will have 34 days until our next Presidential Election. President Obama, instead of defending his record, prefers to distract by pouncing on Romney's "47%" comment. But you know, Romney is right. Approximately 47% of the people will vote for Obama no matter what. His comment of his not even concentrating on them as it would be a waste of time, is accurate. He tried to reach out already to those dedicated to the shrine of Obama. Lest we forget he gave a speech to the NAALCP (National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People) and he was not greeted warmly. Rather, they gave him the cold shoulder. Any applause he received was polite at best. At best. Black folks seem to lean to the Democrat party no matter what. Yet, Romney reached out, and essentially got nothing for it. None changed their minds, some interviewed even seemed to question why he even came to speak to them.
Then, we have the, now famous, rantings of a hysterical black woman in Chicago I believe, who's screaming about her "free Obama Phone". Obama gave them phones, so, that's apparently good enough for them. Who knew this lady was so cheaply bought? All it took was a free cell phone to get her vote. Her comment about Romney? "ROMNEY SUCKS!" and I can only guess because he didn't give her a phone. I wonder what this ignorant, no-not strong enough, I wonder what this STUPID woman would say if she knew President Clinton and Bush started, and carried on, the program? Obama had NOTHING to do with it. Ah, but she's already drank the Liberal Cool Aid. She's a customer for life. Just like that other black woman, when Obama was elected stating "I'll never have to pay my mortgage again, I'll never have to buy gas again!" So, it would be clear then, that Obama is simply creating an "entitlement" electorate. If he gets them enough "free stuff", and it's free if you mean it's paid for by the tax payers, they'll be life long Democrats. You know, something along the lines of "thank you Master, yes sir! You a good Master, giving us poor folk a free cell phone!". Now, some would say this is racist to say that, but, I feel it's no worse when loser has beens like Harry Belefonte look at Colin Powell and Condi Rice and call them "House N*****S" because they are not liberal. And don't give me that crap about it's ok for a black person to call themselves that. If it's a negative word, it's a negative word, period. NO ONE should be using it. No exceptions. I have never used the word, I will never use the word, and find it insulting that the word is used by anyone.
So, with all the failures in the Obama Administration from running up the national debt to $5 TRILLION in 4 years, while he bitches about Bush's $4 TRILLION in 8 years, employment among blacks, particularly young blacks is at it's worst, it amazes me that Obama would even be considered to be win-able. However, if he gets elected, and I will predict he will simply because any time Romney will bring up something about Obama's failed budget, the race card will be played. So, if America elects Obama a second time, we definitely deserve what we deserve. It will be not only his fault, but that of the Democrats for the largest tax increase in history to go into effect. Thereby hurting the Middle Class the most. And why? Because of his INSANE JEALOUSY of the rich. Class warfare. I will agree to listen to his disorganized speech ramblings about "paying their fair share" as soon as the 47% that don't pay income tax agree to start paying their fair share. Which brings up back to that 47% comment by Romney. Why will the 47% always vote Liberal? Simple. They get the most stuff without having to work anything for it, while vilifying those that do pay for it, the rich. Making 47% of the electorate on you, kind of like a slave owner making slaves dependent on you, will guarantee support for life. After all, they don't want to lose all them "free" goodies!
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