Washington. The ever MORON state.

Well, never failing to jump on the "ME TOO! ME TOO!" band wagon, Washington is now the 7th state to have gay marriage. This was the state's priority legislation when the state is facing a 1.5 BILLION dollar deficeit. On what FREAKIN' planet does this crap make sense? Seriously. We're a billion and a half in the hole, and state, including our brain dead governor, decides that "oh, let's not worry about the budget deficeit. Gay marriage is SO much more important. So, I'm wondering then if the state, in all their stupidity, thinks that be legalizing gay marriage, this will off set the deficit? After an exhaustive search, I was unable to find any estimates as to how many gay marriages are estimated to take place now that the measure has pass. In Washington State however, a marriage license is $64. So, let's say 10,000 couple marry. Ok, so, that'd be about $640,000 in revenue generated. Great, so, that's like a SLIVER off the $1.5 BILLION we're in debt.
Ok, so, since our priority is not on the budget, piss poor economy and lack of jobs in the state, then I guess to balance the budget, everyone in the state should have NO problem gutting the budgets of EVERY program by a minimum of 25%, right? So, gut education, Veteran's Affairs, Social Services, Subsidized Housing, everything. Gut it. When people bitch and moan, just tell them, hey, ya got gay marriage, what more did you want? The deficit is NOT a concern anyway. There you have it Washington State voters. Your dumb-ass legislators in action.
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