Monday, February 25, 2013

Is it any wonder these people are morons?

Somewhat recently, San Fran Nan Nancy Pelosi was quite by Fox News Sunday that "we don't have a spending problem, we have a deficeit problem."  Well geniuses, how do you think we got a deficeit problem?  It wasn't because of not enough taxes.  It's cause our country's spending too much!  However, that doesn't stop Obama and the Libs in this country from continuing to perpetuate class warfare and make the rich out to be the villians.  They keep talking about the rich need to pay their fair share, and they do!  They pay the highest income tax rate there is.  IF you don't believe me, fine, check  They'll tell you the same thing.  How about all those folks that don't even pay taxes start paying THEIR fair share?  After all, shouldn't they be paying something?  Serioulsly, half the country is depending on the other half to work, so they don't have to; or work as little as possible. 

So, despite Obama increasing the national debt $7 TRILLION dollars in 5 years, vs Bush's $5 Trillion in 8 years, apparently the Libs and Obama have no problem with that.  Really?  Cause you guys bitched up a storm when Bush did it, but now that Obama is in office, it's suddenly ok now.  But, Libs are all about double standards, and you'll never be able to call them on it because they practice their skill of "distraction".  They'll change the subject to something else, or make some emotional argument.  But, don't let them get away with that.  Keep bringing them back to the argument at hand.  Obama's spending and how it's MORE in 5 years, than Bush in 8 years.  Fair warning, they're not particularly re-directable. 

So, why would Obama and San Fran Nan lie about not having a spending problem?  Because spending, in their eyes, is a GOOD thing.  The more you spend, the better things get, according to them.  Failing schools?  No problem Billions more will make it better.  Detroit is a post apocolyptic disaster?  No problem, pump tens of billions into it and it'll all be better.  But, Detroit is in the same boat as the US is.  Spending too much.  Now look at it.  Can the same thing happen to the US?  I have no idea, but I hope not.  Rather than accepting responsibility for the ravenous spending coming out of DC and how that lowered the credit rating.  No, it's the credit rating agency's fault.  Cause they apparently just make crap up as they go along.  Which is interesting, cause that's exactly what it appears the Libs are doing.    If they Libs refuse to acknowledge that there's a spending problem, well then, one doesn't exist.  It's a deficeit problem.  How does the deficeit grow?  It's none of your business. 

Now recently, I've been hearing about how our government is now looking at using people's Pension and 401K's as "taxable income" even though it's taxed when you take it out after you retire.  Why is this happening?  Simple.  Obama needs more revenue because the government doesn't have a spending problem, they have a deficeit problem.  If not for that dang deficeit, and not the spending, they wouldn't have to tax people's retirement.  Now what the government is not looking at is how this will impact the middle class.  Everyone's 401K and Pension will be effected.  Everyone.  But, somehow, I'm sure this will be pinned on Republicans and Conservatives.  Or the other popular target, "It's Bush's fault!" that Obama seems to need to bellow every instant when something he does fails.  Now, for those that say this really can't happen, get your head out of your butt.  This can absolutely happen, and Congress and the Libs will be counting on your thinking this will never happen.  They're really counting on that such that they can make it happen.  So, having said that, it's IMPERATIVE that you contact your Congressman to tell them if they do this, THEIR job is on the line!  You'll likely get a response that that's a ridiculous notion, blah, blah, blah.  However, keep putting pressure on them!  Don't take their response for an answer.  You must keep the pressure up on them so they get the idea through their thick ass heads.  I'm not just singling out the Libs in Congress either.  The current state of Republicans make them just as bad as the Libs. 

Many people save for their retirement.  However, if people know that if it's going to be taxable income, then what's the point of saving?  They're just going to be punished for it, so, no point in saving.  How is that going to effect the economy when everyone stops putting money away for their future and then when they do retire, IF they can, they won't have anything to live on?  Well, that's when the Libs will come right in with a smile and say, "we must take care of you!" and they'll justify a bigger government.  They will have new victims to work for on their behalf.  And how will all THAT be paid for?  The rich of course.  Because they're not paying their fair share of course.  Well, as we are starting to see with California, many of the "rich" are leaving the state, or stating they will be leaving.  Now, that means less tax money for the state that's already bleeding money.  Then of course, the business will be leaving.  They may not be taking their jobs with them either.  They may just go to a more business friendly state and hire people THERE.  So, unemployment will go up in California, and there's going to be less tax money to pay for that.  So, this can absolutely happen with the US.  Rich people can tkae their income and put it somwhere where the US Government can't touch it.  So, less tax money.  And, they're be defamed with every word in the book, and decried for being super evil, etc.  You know, stuff that's already said about them now.  Then, companies will begin to move their businesses overseas, thereby increasing unemployment in the US, but that will be blammed on Bush.  Cause that's all Obama knows. 

So, when all this starts goign down, hug a Lib and thank them for all the damage they've done. 
But, you can still contact your people in DC.  You'll find links to do so below.  And again, it's your choice.  If your 401K/Pension is just too big and you're just not taxed enough, tell the government you want to be taxed more!  If you believe that we really don't have a spending problem and spending more will help reduce the deficeit, by all means, tell the government to spend more!


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