Obama's Impeachable Offense
There have been many calls in the last couple of years for Obama to be impeached. Any time this has been thrown out there, the Left, predictably, starts screaming racism. Yep, cause we just want to get ride of him cause he's black. BS! There have been many situations were Impeachment would have been warranted. For example, Benghazi, Solyndra and Obama's war on coal. Granted, the last example is a bit weak, but the first two are legit. Claiming that Benghazi was all about a video, where there has been clear evidence that the White House KNEW it wasn't and outright LIED to the American people. Then, you have "cry baby" Hillary lashing out at her critics instead of really explaining her completely ignoring the cries for help. And she has the balls to claim her critics are just doing it for political purposes?! Hey Hillary, you and Bill are the masters of THAT crap. Obama claimed he didn't know anything about it.
Now, we have a "prisoner of war" exchange. Obama and the moronic Libs would have you believe that the 5 top, high ranking terrorists that are being exchanged for one US military deserter, who seems like as much of a waste of sperm as his father, are not, in fact, that dangerous. Really? Cause they're regarded by everyone as the top 5 most high ranking Al Quida terrorist officials. Further, the deserter wasn't a prisoner of war. HE WALKED OFF THE JOB LEAVING ALL HIS CRAP BEHIND. Then, at least 6 soldiers that we know of lost their lives trying to find him. And this deserter has the balls to talk crap about the US and its military!
Now, according to Federal Law, which Obama has a real history of ignoring, he must let Congress have 30 days to mull over the exchange. OBAMA FAILED TO DO THAT! Actually, I don't know that he failed. He just didn't care and like his whole "I have a pen and I have a phone" mantra, he just did whatever the Hell he wanted to anyway. This very clearly violates federal law and the US Constitution. Not that Obama gives a flying rats ass, although, that'd be wild to see! There has been such an out lash about this whole thing, that the Liberal Media can't even ignore it at this point! Obama defends it and says they don't leave a man behind. Funny, you left the US Ambassador to Benghazi behind. You didn't seem to have a problem with that, now did you? Second, this soldier, who I wouldn't even classify as a "man", or at least a man with honor, abandoned his fellow soldiers and spoke out against them. We should have not exchanged anyone for this traitor. As I recall, the US Constitution calls for execution for being a traitor. But, this traitor seems to hold all the sickening ideals that Liberals wet their beds for, so, we know this will never happen. Unless Conservatives take back both houses by a good margin. The, just maybe, there will be actual justice for the families of the servicemen who lost their lives trying to find idiot boy.
Note to stupid Libs. I'm NOT saying idiot boy shouldn't have a trial. He should. But, if found guilty of treason, and the evidence is pretty overwhelming given his rantings against the US and its military, that only a Red Diaper Doper Baby (Thank you MICHAEL SAVAGE!) could love, then,m execution, as directed by the US Constitution should be enacted. . Another note to stupid Libs. I'm not calling for him to be killed. I'm calling for him to be brought to trial. But, I can understand how you only hear what you want. You know, with your heads up your butts, it's kinda hard to read correctly.
In any case, Obama initially said that "this kind of thing is done all the time", then later says that "it was an oversight". Really? Well gosh moron boy, if it's done all the time, then really, it shouldn't have been an oversight, now should it? So, this one thing, this is an Impeachable offense. Obama violated Federal Law. Period. No getting around it. And Jay Carey, playing the subservient lying Monica Lewinski begging Obama to fill him up, is trying desperately to talk his way out of this issue. But guess what stupid boy, it's not going away. This will follow Libs right up until the November Elections. It would be a waste of tax payer money to file the Articles of Impeachment now. Libs in Congress will tow the line and be only too eager to stand in line to have Obama fill them up too as they kneel. Wait until after the November Elections. When Conservatives take the Senate and get a majority. Then, the House needs to file the Articles of Impeachment for this one reason only. Then let the Senate have the case. Where it will actually be a fair trial and not just a bunch of Libs wiping the truth from their mouths with a napkin.
Let this be a lesson for Hillary as well. She lied about Benghazi. She wouldn't have leaked that chapter of her fiction book coming out soon (that all Libs will likely have to buy dozens of copies so it looks like someone is actually interested in reading it) to the overwhelmingly Liberal Politico.com, if she wasn't scared that this was going to come back to haunt her. But, there is overwhelming evidence here as well. The American People ain't stupid. They learned their lesson with Slick Willie.
Now, we have a "prisoner of war" exchange. Obama and the moronic Libs would have you believe that the 5 top, high ranking terrorists that are being exchanged for one US military deserter, who seems like as much of a waste of sperm as his father, are not, in fact, that dangerous. Really? Cause they're regarded by everyone as the top 5 most high ranking Al Quida terrorist officials. Further, the deserter wasn't a prisoner of war. HE WALKED OFF THE JOB LEAVING ALL HIS CRAP BEHIND. Then, at least 6 soldiers that we know of lost their lives trying to find him. And this deserter has the balls to talk crap about the US and its military!
Now, according to Federal Law, which Obama has a real history of ignoring, he must let Congress have 30 days to mull over the exchange. OBAMA FAILED TO DO THAT! Actually, I don't know that he failed. He just didn't care and like his whole "I have a pen and I have a phone" mantra, he just did whatever the Hell he wanted to anyway. This very clearly violates federal law and the US Constitution. Not that Obama gives a flying rats ass, although, that'd be wild to see! There has been such an out lash about this whole thing, that the Liberal Media can't even ignore it at this point! Obama defends it and says they don't leave a man behind. Funny, you left the US Ambassador to Benghazi behind. You didn't seem to have a problem with that, now did you? Second, this soldier, who I wouldn't even classify as a "man", or at least a man with honor, abandoned his fellow soldiers and spoke out against them. We should have not exchanged anyone for this traitor. As I recall, the US Constitution calls for execution for being a traitor. But, this traitor seems to hold all the sickening ideals that Liberals wet their beds for, so, we know this will never happen. Unless Conservatives take back both houses by a good margin. The, just maybe, there will be actual justice for the families of the servicemen who lost their lives trying to find idiot boy.
Note to stupid Libs. I'm NOT saying idiot boy shouldn't have a trial. He should. But, if found guilty of treason, and the evidence is pretty overwhelming given his rantings against the US and its military, that only a Red Diaper Doper Baby (Thank you MICHAEL SAVAGE!) could love, then,m execution, as directed by the US Constitution should be enacted. . Another note to stupid Libs. I'm not calling for him to be killed. I'm calling for him to be brought to trial. But, I can understand how you only hear what you want. You know, with your heads up your butts, it's kinda hard to read correctly.
In any case, Obama initially said that "this kind of thing is done all the time", then later says that "it was an oversight". Really? Well gosh moron boy, if it's done all the time, then really, it shouldn't have been an oversight, now should it? So, this one thing, this is an Impeachable offense. Obama violated Federal Law. Period. No getting around it. And Jay Carey, playing the subservient lying Monica Lewinski begging Obama to fill him up, is trying desperately to talk his way out of this issue. But guess what stupid boy, it's not going away. This will follow Libs right up until the November Elections. It would be a waste of tax payer money to file the Articles of Impeachment now. Libs in Congress will tow the line and be only too eager to stand in line to have Obama fill them up too as they kneel. Wait until after the November Elections. When Conservatives take the Senate and get a majority. Then, the House needs to file the Articles of Impeachment for this one reason only. Then let the Senate have the case. Where it will actually be a fair trial and not just a bunch of Libs wiping the truth from their mouths with a napkin.
Let this be a lesson for Hillary as well. She lied about Benghazi. She wouldn't have leaked that chapter of her fiction book coming out soon (that all Libs will likely have to buy dozens of copies so it looks like someone is actually interested in reading it) to the overwhelmingly Liberal Politico.com, if she wasn't scared that this was going to come back to haunt her. But, there is overwhelming evidence here as well. The American People ain't stupid. They learned their lesson with Slick Willie.
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