Tuesday, January 22, 2008

So she wants Obama to be crystal clear eh?

I couldn't help, recently, chuckling over Hillary's comments towards Barak Obama for not being clear, honest and transparent regarding his records and his decisions. She wants him to be open and honest with people, and, be held accountable for things he's done. Ok, that part is fair enough. He definitely should be open and honest with others. Absolutely. I agree with Hillary on this. Believe it or not.

Now, this is where my problem starts. She wants, from Obama, what she herself will not give. What may you ask can she possibly not be open and honest about? Well, how about all those records she's sealed in President Clinton's Library that she's not willing to open up? You know, all those records that she's acquired about all of her activities she's been engaged in, while in the White House, that she has thus far refused to open for public view. What am I talking about you ask? Well, how about Travel Gate. You know, when she fired all of these people in the Travel Office of the White House? I'd sure like to know what exactly her role in that was. Or, how about the White Water affair? Hmm? I'd love to know about that too. Hey, how about the whole Vince Foster thing? Now, for those of you who don't remember, he was quite involved with the White Water thing, and was going to get more involved at some point, but luckily for the Clinton's, this left handed individual committed suicide with his NON-DOMINANT HAND! What this would imply, is that HE DID NOT COMMIT SUICIDE! If you're going to do it with a gun, as was implied in this scenario, you would naturally do it with your dominant hand. Mr. Foster did not. I'd love to know about how that all turned out and what the actual investigation was. I'd also love to know the dealings of Hillary's Health Care Plan and what she did to try to push the concept through Congress. I'd like to know what her involvement was in President Clinton bombing Aspirin factories in Afghanistan and Sudan claiming they were making terrorist bombs there, and not incidentally, getting the U.N. behind him in that action. I didn't notice him going to Congress and asking for permission, nor do I remember Congress chastising him for not asking their permission. But wait one main factor here is that this was on the night just before the Impeachment hearings. Hmm, sounds like Wag the Dog to me.

My point here is that, Hillary continues to espouse her "experience" in the White House, yet, we hardly know what that is, because the records detailing her "experience" in the White House is sealed in her records in her husbands Presidential Library. So, if she plans on telling Barak that he needs to be transparent on all his dealings, it seems then, that she also should be. But, Hillary is in the driver's seat here. She can release copies of these documents and completely clear up this whole thing. The question is, will she?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Writer's Strike coming to an end?

Say it isn't so. There are rumors that the writer's strike is coming to an end. How unfortunate! I have rather grown to like the writer's strike. We are no longer tortured with sub-standard writing and pathetic shows by actors who are paid well for poor work. Hollywood will eventually dry up with horrible stories and an endless series of re-makes of prior movies, as well as tv shows that are re-made for the big screen.

Please! Support the writer's strike! Don't allow the writers to come back on the job, their time is better well spent on the picket line! Hollywood is better off losing millions for stories that are bland and non-entertaining, plus just cheap rip offs of stories previously told. Perhaps, Hollywood will eventually figure out that they actually have to have something of substance to offer people who are paying good money for the crap they put out. However, given that most people who go to see movies apparently have little intellectual capacity for demanding something of substance, maybe Hollywood doesn't feel the need to have anything good, or of substance to offer. No need for a truly in depth story, that might make people think when the poeple who attend these movies to begin with, don't have much capacity for thought.

So, while we're sitting out, and Hollywood is sweating, and the writers are demanding more money for their sub-standard work, let's do a little demanding of our own. Here's a list of demands I'd like to have answered:

*Let's actually have some quality writing for a change!
*Sub-standard writing, you're out of a job.
*No more tv shows into movies!
*No more remakes of movies that are 20 years old or older!
*Have some content to what you write, we're tired of the sex, "no point" violence for violence sake.

*Stop putting out dozens and dozens of films a year just to make a profit Hollywood. We actually want something good, if that means less movies and less profit for you, so be it!
*Stop ruining books made into movies by making a happy ending to everything, or changing the ending dramatically enough that it ruins the book!

Please support the writers strike, let's keep both writers, and Hollywood, out of the business of boring us to death for a while longer. Hollywood and the writers need to sweat it out a bit longer. Maybe they should do some reading and expand their minds to what's possible a bit more.

Now, having said all of this, some writers are actually quite good at what they do. They actually have talent, they actually make you think with what they produce for the screen. But by far, this is more the exception than the rule. Two examples I can think of right off the top of the bat are the new Battlestar Galactica and E.R. Battlestar Galactica has had excellent writers since the beginning of the show. They actually take issues and weave it into a compelling story that makes you think. They actually make it interesting and bring real world content into the story as well. If you've been following the story since its beginning, you'll see mirror images of the War on Terror in the story line. As for E.R., that show has always had good writers, examining social issues, political issues and real human drama that many, if not all, can identify with. It is not all about sex or violence, it is not all meaningless. These are the types of writers that should, in fact, be supported. However, it appears that Americans have been "dumbed down" to the point that they are accepting of almost anything. Doubt me? Go to a Hollywood Video or Blockbuster Video and just see how many movies are "direct to DVD" on the shelves in the New Releases section. There's a whole lot of crap there. I think we actually need to start insisting on some standards, and, until then, please both Hollywood and writers, for the love of humanity, STAY ON STRIKE!