Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Well, we on the Conservative Side have been lectured to DEATH about how we need to "tone down the rhetoric" and how we need to return to "civility". This has always been directed at Conservatives and the Libs have NEVER held themselves to the same standard. Never. Not once. Examples abound. Libs have depicted President Bush as a Nazi, Hitler, and a vampire with his teeth dripping with blood. Where has this occurred? In San Fran Nan, Nancy Pelosi's district. Did she comment on how wrong that was? Nope. Not a peep. But, she was one of those who stated that the rhetoric was getting nasty. Obama is depicted in posters as the Joker from The Dark Knight movie, and screams of racism, screams of "Tone it down!" erupt from Libs all over the US. The Libs in the Labor Unions have been attacking Governor Christie of New Jersey calling him Hitler referring to him as "Adolph Christie" and stating that him and his "two generals" were trying to turn New Jersey into Nazi Germany. So, is THIS the rhetoric that the Left wants toned down?

Oh no. Can't be, because it's COMING from the Left. They have a different set of rules for themselves than they have for us. They accuse Sarah Palin of inciting violence because she has "cross hairs" on districts of Democrats where it was either very important to the Republicans to get the seat, or, the seat was vulnerable. The Left went NUTS! Never mind the fact the LEFT did the same thing with "bulls eye" target on Republican seats!

The Liberal Rag of a Magazine, The New Republic was quoted as saying "The GOP's Hezbollah wing is now fully in control." So now, the Left is comparing Republicans to TERRORISTS. Really? And where is President Obama and those "tone the rhetoric down" Libs? How come they're not speaking out against that? Hmmm? Your silence is not a condemnation, but a condoning of those opinions. What would happen if I began referring to the DNC and Libs as terrorists, paid for full page ads in national papers to do such? Would I be able to get away with that?! I very much doubt it!

Wake up America! There is a different set of rules for the Left than for everyone else.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Who's the Party of "NO" now Libs?

So here we are, at a standstill in our government. The Libs are screaming about how the Conservatives want to kill old people and throw the handicapped and other disabled folks away like garbage. I remember a time, during the State of the Union, when President Bush floated his idea of trying to change Social Security. Voluntarily, you could put up to 3% of your money taken out of your check and put it towards the Stock Market. Well, that was actually a great idea. The Stock Market goes up and down. That's it's nature. Period. Now, at one point, towards the end of Bush's term, yeah, it was down. But let's not forget it was OVER 14,000 at the high under his administration. So, for all you Libs that want to rip Bush apart over the economy and stock market, you better be giving him credit where it's due buddy. Ya can't have it both ways. Now, Bush floated this idea about what he wanted to do. And the fact the DEMOCRAT Congress blocked it, causing it to fail. Ok. He stated that Congress didn't pass it. And they cheered. Oh, not the Republicans. The Democrats. The Democrats cheered. They cheered their "victory". And Bush reminded them that by doing nothing, they were essentially contributing to its eventual failure. And now, look where we are. Social Security is Insolvement now. Wasn't like that under Bush, but gosh, seems to be that way under Obama. And yet, no one says a word about that. Nope. No Liberal Media Bias there. Certainly not!

Ok, so, Social Security will be broke in approximately the next 10 years. Unless we do something now. Oh, we can do the Duct Tape Bandage trick and try to extend the age you can retire. Incidentally, Bush was assigned blame for that too. But who is it that raised it the first time? Little know, but easily found, fact. BILL CLINTON. He raised it from 65 to 67. Ok, so now, you've just delayed it. Wonderful solution Slick Willie! And now we are where we are. Libs are still stalling and not willing to do anything about Social Security. Yet, they talk of sacrifice. Social Security is broke. No one wants to see cuts in Social Security, but here's a curious thought. If you had gone with Bush's Plan, how would things have been different. I would like to remind dim-witted Libs. The DOW sits at over 12,000 now. Had someone invested their 3% under Bush, at about 8,000 and now it's at over 12,000 it seems like you'd have done pretty well for yourself, wouldn't you? And sure, maybe the amount you invested would have gone down, but, with each contribution, you get more "shares" of whatever you're investing it in. So, when the stock market goes up, eventually, each share is worth more. The lower the price (lower the stock market) the more shares you buy, so that when it goes up, you're TOTAL investment is worth MORE. Libs hate it when people throw out facts like that. Because they have no way to combat it short of just saying what they're saying now. "You want to kill old people! You want people to suffer!" And if they're not saying that, then they're promoting class warfare "you're just fighting for the rich! You hate everyone else!!" It shows how limited Libs are. That's the only argument they really have. Seriously.

So, we're all hoping that the Republicans won't cave in and give up on being against raising taxes. I tell you what though. If they do, good luck getting re-elected. That's not why you were sent. Period. And while the Libs are stating that Medicare and Social Security is off the table, (who's the party of NO now Libs?), they blame the Conservatives for not being willing to budge. Well guess what, IT TAKES TWO! Go ahead and don't raise the debt ceiling. It'll mark the first time it's happened in American history. And it's happening all under Obama. He'll have to take blame for that, right? Wrong. The small minds of the Libs are already working on that. Their plan, well, basically it's the class warfare thing again. Remember what I said, it's all they got.

Are the Republicans guilty for running the debt up? Yep, you bet. But at least they're trying to deal with it now. What are the Libs doing? They want to raise taxes on those that create jobs. So, what then if I were rich, would be my incentive to keep all my capital here in the US as opposed to moving it all over to foreign countries? Hmm? Ok then, they should just raise taxes. Let them. Let's see what happens. If the economy goes down further, Obama will have to take blame for that right? Nope. The Libs will just blame Bush again. Period. It's one of the other "only things they got".

Personally, I think that the Libs should have just passed a budget two years ago when they controlled the House and Senate. They didn't though, and somehow now, that's Bush's fault. Not Obama's or the Democrats. Despite them being in charge. The Republicans are in the minority, remember.

But, you'd never know that if you listened to the Libs. Who'd have thought the minority had SO MUCH power? When the Libs were in the minority, they boasted about how little power they had. I notice that when the Libs are in charge, people blame BOTH parties for our problems. But, when the Conservatives are in chage, it's always the Republicans who are at fault. Now, that seems like fuzzy thinkin' doesn't it?

Friday, July 01, 2011

Bend over Europe and the West...

So, here we are. President Obama began this whole mess, much like he blames President Bush for starting other messes. Of course however, he discusses how this was SO necessary. Yeah, because Iraq and Afghanistan wasn't necessary. Qadaffi has pretty much threatened the West and Europe now with revenge and retailiation. He threatened to destroy homes and offices, stating that Europe and the West have done the same thing. Never mind the part about him putting down his people in a harsh way. Am I in favor of the way he treats his own people? No. And I wasn't in favor of it when Iraq and Afghanistan were doing the same thing for the way they treated their people. Oh, but we shouldn't have gotten involved in that because that was wrong. But somehow, Libya is SO right! What makes it so right? Well duh! Obama's in charge, 'nuff said!

Well, it will be interesting to see if Europe and the West back down here, or, if they call Qadaffi's bluff. Is he really bluffing? I tend to this so. He's certainly not in a position militarily to do much of anything to two continents. Meaning Europe and the US in North America. So in a way, he is bluffing. However, as a Muslim, he could certainly incite others to strike out against Europe and the US. Cause we don't have enough hating us at this point. If you want to see how Radical Islam is already effecting Europe, try reading "While Europe Slept" by Bruce Bawer. Interesting read.

Personally, given that Europe bends over backward to appease Radical Islam, I think it will be a situation similar to the movie Animal House. "Thank you sir, may I please have another?" Europe, in large part, is very Liberal. Rather than expressing how Qadaffi treats his people and how NATO is trying to stop that, they will likely look at themselves and talk about how they've done so much wrong! Of course, the ever popular "it's the fault of the US, let's blame them" will probably be quite loud as well. It's the new fad in Europe. Blame the US for everything, because we Europeans are SO much better than anyone else. Yes, they are and exclusively in the Egocentric department! Reminds me why people left Europe to begin with. It was for religious freedom, yes. However, it was also about "we don't like the way things are here, we evision doing them a different way. So, we're leaving, you stay here, have a nice life."

So, it will be quite interesting to see if everything is halted and self blame ensues, or more to the point, blaming of the US. Or even better yet, somehow, this will all be Bush's fault, despite Obama getting us involved in this and his being in office for going on 3 years now. As always, he'll take credit for something until American, and apparently the world, sees that it's clearly not working. Then, it's Bush's fault.