Thursday, June 30, 2016


It's been almost two years since you've heard from the Hideous Chicken, but this is worth it.  Breaking news today.  Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton met with Loretta Lynch, the US Attorney General.  You know, the lady that would be prosecuting Hillary Clinton if that should be the recommendation of the FBI Investigation, which we have all been reading in the news (clearly not the Liberal news) presents itself as pretty rock solid.  The evidence of wrong doing is overwhelming.  It is clear why her IT guy who set up the server pleaded the 5th.  He had an immunity deal, and he pleads the 5th.  Fine, he didn't live up to his end of the bargain, so prosecute him. 

Why would Slick Willie be secretly meeting with Loretta Lynch, who is potentially going to be the person that prosecutes his wife, wink wink, nudge nudge.  This appears to reek of impropriety and a serious conflict of interest.  What could he possible have to say to her?  They both declared that Hillary's potential prosecution never even came up.  Really?  I hardly buy that.  The thing that has the potential to put his wife in a federal prison, didn't come up?  Sure.  Not buying it. 

So, what might they have talked about?  Well, maybe a deal was made whereby if Lynch agreed not to prosecute, maybe there might be a US Supreme Court nomination in her future if Hillary became President?  Possibly.  It's all just thinking out loud right now.  However, if the evidence indicates wrong doing, and it most certainly proves she told her family and the American people two different things, it most certainly shows she was hacked and now we have some of the hackers telling us how easy it was! 

So, if Lunch refuses to prosecute, despite the evidence, what does that say about our justice system.  There have been examples in the past relating to leaked classified documents.  David Petraeus for example.  He's the general that had that affair with his biographer and leaked her information?  They threw the book at him and he did less than what the evidence against Hillary shows.  Then again, she's a Clinton.  A set of rules for themselves and a set of rules for all other Americans.  Typical of Libs.  If a Republican had had a meeting such as this, would there be any doubt as to how bad this would look?  But when a Democrat does it, everything's ok, and how dare you suggest otherwise! 

This will most certainly be a very interesting election folks.  Don't let the Liberal media bury this story.  Be aware, stay informed. 


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