Lest we forget. Information the Senate Dems don't like talking about.... OR Go nuclear or go home!
For those of us paying attention to the Neil Gorsuch Judiciary hearings, both the question and answer portion of the hearings last week, and the Judiciary confirmation vote this morning (Pacific time). Frequently, we heard Merrick Garland's name uttered. Frequently it was in the context of "it's not fair! Garland didn't even get consideration! That's never happened! It's not fair!"
Ah, but that's the catch, isn't it? This has happened before. Twice. And it was the Democrats both times. But you don't hear the Demoncrats talking about that, do you? No, of course not. Because Trump is in office presently. Various members of the Judiciary Committee on the Republican side did say many times that if Hillary had won, we'd never hear Merrick Garland's name again. Ever. And you know what? They're right. While Garland did signal that he was willing to push gun control to ever new heights in his Appeal's Court experience, it is difficult to believe he would not have done the same on a US Supreme Court that he was appointed to. So, when the Demoncrats talk about a "Litmus Test", they know all about that. They do the same thing when a Democratic appointee is made. Both sides do it to one degree or another.
So, as I said, this issue of Garland not even getting a consideration months before Trump won (and like it or not, he DID win and he IS your president, like him or not), this is NOT the first time this has happened. It has happened twice before, both times when the Demoncrats controlled the House and Senate.
When did this happen, you ask? Well, Liberals aren't asking, but Conservatives who pay attention already know. It happened in 1192 and 2007. Again, both times the Congress was controlled by the Demoncrats. Both Senator Harry "Dingy Harry" Reid and Senator Chuck "Up Chuck" Schummer stated quite clearly that President George W. Bush would not get any US Supreme Court nominees through a Democratically controlled Senate 18 months prior to the end of his term. Then again, in 1992, Joe Biden, a Senator at the time, made it quite clear in a very long and detailed floor speech in which he outlined the reasons why the Senate would not be considering a US Supreme Court Nominee from President H.W. Bush in his final year in office.
Prior to the election, the Demoncrats continued to cry about how the US Supreme Court needed 9 judges and not 8. That is, until President Trump. Then, all of a sudden, something really weird happened. The Senate Democrats seemed to think that 8 was just fine. No problems there.
Now, when Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, said a nominee from President Obama would not be considered until after the election, to see the outcome of the election before a nominee was considered. Demoncrats screamed and whined, cried and moaned about this. This was inexcusable and had not happened before and there was no reason to do this.Then, those of us who remembered, began harassing Senator Up-Chuck Schummer about how he voted in 2007 and how he made it clear that a US Supreme Court nominee from President George W. Bush wouldn't be considered in the last 18 months of his final term. Up-Chuck began being reminded SO much that Up Chuck began snapping at his reminder people "STOP TELLING ME HOW I VOTED IN 2007!" No Up Chuck, we won't cause you did the same thing in 2007 and it was done in 1992 by Joe Biden. Everyone on the Demoncrat side seemed to be fine with it at that time. Then, again, all of a sudden, something really weird happened. Suddenly, it wasn't fine to do that anymore. Of course, this was primarily because Trump had won the election. I'll pause here for a brief moment while the Snow Flakes to grab a crying towel..........Ready? Ok, a couple more seconds........Ok, we're moving on.
So, there is president for what the Republicans are doing here. It was a president set by DEMONCRATS. Of course, the Demoncrats will not be telling you this. They assume that Americans are simply stupid people with short term memory. Maybe that's why Republicans are symbolized by an elephant who are said to have excellent memories and Demoncrats are symbolized by a jackass. And I don't mean, Bill Clinton or Barak Obama. Although, those work too.
Next thing to know about the hearings this morning. Senator Feinstein and Senator Leahy both continued to talk not so quietly over the person whose time it was to speak. Now, at one point, Senator Lee talked about Gorsuch's legal analysis and who good it was. If you were listening VERY closely at this exact moment, the "hot mic" caught Feinstein telling Leahy that "this is going to be a problem for us. We'll have to figure out..." and then it was garbled. So, this proves that the Democrats know Gorsuch is qualified and their strategy is to screw up this nomination so Gorsuch doesn't get in. That's their strategy. Inte4restingly enough, at one point, Senator Leahy stated that "country comes before party", but clearly, from the conversation caught by the hot mic, this is just something he said, not something he believes in.
So, where do we go? Demoncrats decry the "nuclear option", yet it was Senator Harry Reid who brought the idea up to begin with. He had been warned several times by members of his party that if he did that, someday it would come back to bite the Cemoncrats in the butt. And, that time has now come. Up Chuck Schummer stated that Gorsuch is out of the mainstream, way out. Yet, he receives the highest recommendations from the American Bar Association. So, are we to understand then, that the American Bar Association is way out of the mainstream too?
So, I'm in favor of the Republicans utilizing the Nuclear Option. Why? Because Demoncrats brought it up as an option to begin with, before Senator Reid lost the Senate to the Republicans. Clearly, they're in favor of using it themselves. But, when someone else considers using it, oh no! You can't do that. Why not? You were considering it.
Thanks to Senator Chuck Grassley, ranking majority member on the Senate Judiciary Committee for bringing up the information of which I'm able to share here. With all Demoncrats praising Senator Grassley for his leadership during the confirmation hearings, I don't think they can legitimately de-cry him for bringing this up.
As always, if you have an opinion you'd like to share with your Senators regarding the Gorsuch nomination, either for or against, please contact your senator by looking them up on www.senate.gov in order to contact them. Do this before Friday as that is the planned time for voting.
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