Now THAT guy truly knows what he's talking about.....

Well, most of us know who Harry Belafonte is. The guy who sings the song about "daylight come and me wanna go home". A few years ago, Mr. Belafonte referred to Colin Powell as a slave in the Bush White House. Essentially saying that he was a "slave" to his Master and that Colin Powell would never dare say anything against his Master. I think the media has since proved that Mr. Powell has disagreed with President Bush on many occasions. And yet, Harry Belafonte got away scott free with such a comment. Had it been a Republican, would they have gotten away with such a comment? I rather doubt it.
As if this wasn't bad enough, Mr. Belafonte is at it again. He's comparing the Bush Administration to Hitler and the Nazis. Well, let's see, Hitler was involved in a Holocaust, Bush hasn't been. Sure, there's the war in Iraq, but, that's a war, not a Holocaust. There is a difference. A war you fight an enemy. In a Holocaust, you systematically wipe out a specific race. Simply because they are a specific race, period. As in the actual Holocaust, Jews were wiped out because they were Jewish.
After comparing President Bush to Hitler, a White reporter asked Mr. Belafonte about the diversity that President Bush has on his administration (more diversity than our "first black president; former President Clinton, I might add). Mr. Belafonte replied that "Hitler had a lot of Jews high up in the hierarchy of the Third Reich. Color does not necessarily denote quality, content or value,". He then referred to blacks in the administration as "Black Tyrants". The White reporter then asked for an example of who specifically was a "black tyrant" and the obviously confused Mr. Belafonte replied that the reporter was a black tyrant. But, the reporter was black. Mr. Belafonte promptly ended the interview upon the reporter pointing this out. Once again, folks of a more Liberal nature can get away with comments like this, but, Conservatives would never been allowed such. And does Mr. Belafonte honestly believe that Hitler had Jews in his hierarchy? I mean, really? Boy, guess the history books really screwed up there, I thought Hitler was systematically killing Jews, not promoting them. Granted, in the Nazi Death Camps, many Jews did have jobs that gave them charge over other Jews at the camp, and these Jews were largely seen as traitors. But, being in charge of some Jews in a death camp can hardly be called "Jews in the heirarchy". Sure, Hitler was half Jewish, but, I'm not aware of any moment when he bragged about it. So, why aren't Jewish groups outraged? I would think that Hillary Clinton, in order to get that much more of the Jewish vote, isn't outraged about this.
The reason Mr. Belafonte happened to make these comments? He was marching in a 40th anniversary of the signing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Now, keep in mind, Democrats would have you believe that they whole heartedly supported this act. However, in truth, Republicans were the dominant force that brought about the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. People like Robert Bryd (Robert KKK bryd in the U.S. Senate) tried to stop it, and, Al Gore Sr. (Yep, the Al Gore we know, his father!) tried to kill it in committee. Then, when that didn't work, he tried to fillibuster it on the floor and that failed. Feel free to check this out in Congressional Record. I did, it's true. Look it up if you don't believe me. So, the next time a Democrat tells you that Democrats support minority rights, ask them why Democrats didn't support the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and throw the information about how they primarily didn't support it at the time, in their face. It's like a deer in the headlights look.
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