Allow me to introduce myself.......

In the words of Austin Powers "allow myself to introduce......myself." I'm a well educated individual. I have an Associate in Arts and Science, Bachelor Degrees in each of the following: History, Social Science, Political Science and Sociology. I have minors in Anthropology and Philosophy. I have a Teaching Certificate and I'm nearly complete with a Master's in Counseling Psychology. I substitute teach in the Wapato School District in Wapato, Washington, I work a retail job, and, I am doing an internship currently at a local mental health facility.
I am a pretty Conservative guy politically speaking. I frequently have a letter to the editor in our local Liberally biased newspaper, The Yakima Herald Republic. Around here it is often referred as the Yakima Herald Repulsive or the Liberally Biased Rag of a local paper. The local paper frequently prints anti-Bush letters, and places anything that is negative concerning President Bush dominantly on the front page, or within the first section of the paper. If something good does happen concerning President Bush, it is often burried within the confines of the newspaper. The paper goes to great lengths to appear fair and balanced, but seriously lacks. Henceforth, one reason I have taken on writing this blog. I am quite well known by name around the Yakima Valley. Mostly by name and not by anything else. Most folks around here think that I am simply a cranky old man that loves complaining about everything. However, this would be the half of Yakima that hates me; there is a half that love me and agrees with most of what I say.
I have not always been a Conservative, I have, in fact, been quite Liberal once before. I voted for President Clinton the first time. I liked how he reached out to young people, despite how we do not vote in large numbers. However, he reached out nonetheless. What changed my mind? Simple. Hillary's health care plan. Had it passed, it seemed very likely that I would have lost my health insurance. So, I was clearly not in favor of that. Since about March 1993, I have been a Conservative.
I am quite politically active. In my time as a substitute teacher, I frequently will encourage kids to get politically involved. It is important that they get involved. I give them any info they ask for regarding politics. Particularly, I give them the contact information for their senators and representatives.
So, that is a bit of who I am, and, what I'm all about. I hope that in the coming months you will be interested in reading my blog. If you choose to comment on it, please keep it clean. I make good efforts to be respectable, however, we do all accidently slip occassionally. I will have a variety of topics here. I tend to talk about politics mostly, however, I will address many different topics and issues here. There are tons of different topics to be discussed here, and I hope you will find me informative, educational and entertaining. Not necessarily in that order, but we'll see!
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