Did you come from monkeys? Depends on what your parents look like I guess.......

As you may know, there is some controversy about teaching creationism within schools. That, of course, would be endorsing Christianity, henceforth violating the 1st Amendment in terms of the Establishment Clause. That part, of course, being, that the government can't establish or endorse a religion. Well, the founding fathers actually meant that they didn't want a church of the United States, as England later established a Church of England. Basically, the Anglican Church. So, despite what Liberals may argue, it's not the same thing. By teaching Creationism, you're not endorsing Christianity. You're not going out and saying, this is the only religion. By all means, lets teach various world religions too. Certainly learning about Islam in this day and age would be a good idea. I think it's important for a child to be educated about Hinduism and Buddism as well. It can help them to have that much more general knowledge about the world and perhaps, understand some of the world conflicts a little bit better and how they may be based within religious differences or differing beliefs. Then again, Liberals believe in Evolution so much, one could effectively argue that's THEIR religion and therefore may come into conflict with the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment. But, I digress.....
Liberals would only have us teach Evolution and Evolutionary Theory in school. How convenient. It would seem that Evolution is the most neautral view of the world and how we came to be. So, apparently, we're just all an accident. Well, for some Liberals, I would agree with that. They were accidents, perhaps freaks of nature would not be going to far.....
In any case, let's look at the actual title of what they wish to teach: Evolutionary Theory. Notice that last word there, "theory"? There are several definitions for this word, however, let us summarize it with an analysis of a set of facts presently before us, thinking about them in a fashion that would "hold water" until we discover otherwise. So basically, a theory is only as good until we find something better. In other words, perhaps we can look at it as nothing necessary proven, just something we're going with right now because that's all we have. Ok. So, it could then be said that Evolution is not complete fact. Just what we're going with now. Because, it's the best way of explaining what we've got now. Doesn't mean it's the ONLY way of explaining what we've got now, does it? So, while Christians would prefer that the way they believe were the only way, and should be accepted by all, it seems that Liberals believe the same; only in Evolution. To consider anything else is wrong. Because, you can't prove anything else. Whereas, some evidence has been discovered that things clearly do evolve. And, what is the process of evolving? Not that tough to understand because everything changes, right? A dumb kid could stick his finger in a light socket and get shocked several times (unless he dies in which case he may only get shocked a couple of times...) and his thinking may evolve past doing that act any longer. In order for a young lady to make it onto the volleyball team, maybe she'll "beef" herself up by working out, getting toned a lot, becoming more muscular and agile to become a better and more competitive player. She's essentially evolving and changing to become a better player. In order to survive the competition of the other players one could say. Sound good? Yep.
Well, it seems we've established that everything changes, everything has to. To not change is to remain stagnant and therefore eventually come to some horrible fate. It could be dying, or, if you happen to be sitting in front of the CBS Evening News when Dan Rather was reporting, you remain stagnant instead of changing the channel. That's a pretty horrible fate, no one should have to endure Dan Rather any more than necessary. Unless you want a good chuckle whenever he tried to appear as not being biased. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, I've now composed myself. Ok, maybe not. Anyway....
So, with all the change that's gone on, and with how complex the human body is, who's to say that there was not some "intelligent" design behind it all? I'll even take a scientific approach to it. Imagine some Creator in the sky, the Earth as his petry dish, us as the outcome. Good enough for the Scientific folks? However, if you still insist on believing you're an accident, that's fine, I certainly think you are.
However, it seems to me that education should be about discussing many points of view, not a single one. Henceforth, why limit students to just the view of Evolution? Shouldn't we expose students to other points of view? Certainly, the more points of view we know about, the more we can expand our minds, our horizons, the volume of our voices when we call Liberals idiots for believing they came from monkeys. Well, only if their parents resembled them I think. Seriously though.....
President Bush thinks it's a good idea to teach the concept of "intelligent design". I think it's good. Certainly, more competition of ideas is a good thing. After all, as consumers, do we not "shop around" for the price we agree with the most? As voters, do we not examine different platforms of the political parties, both the two major ones and the smaller "third" or independent parties? Certainly! Why then, should we be forced to simply accept one idea of how we all came to be? Sure, we can believe outside of school whatever we want. But, we're only exposed to one concept in school. That could have some impact couldn't it? I think so. Although, it is generally agreed that most "socialization" comes from the family unit. But, if most parents do not challenge beliefs they do not agree with, then what incentive is there for a youngster to believe differently? Sure, there are exceptions. Familes with a strong religious back ground may challenge the status quo. It's important for everyone to have their own belief and know why they believe it. I'm not saying don't teach Evolution in school. I'm saying, let's have the opportunity to have a diverse base of ideas. Let's not call just one truth the final word. Let's explore, let's discuss, let's learn...dare I say it? Let's get educated! I encourage you to write your Representative or Senator about this issue. You can find them at www.house.gov and www.senate.gov . Now, do I think we came from monkeys? I dare say it depens on what your parent's look like.
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