Get ready to rumble!!!!!!

Well here we are! We've arrived at the time we've all been waiting for! We have us a genuine U.S. Supreme Court Nominee chosen by President Bush. Now, comes the big fight. This guy has TONS of things against him! For starters, he's a White male who's qualified. The Democrats can't have that. Next, he's given good marks by the American Bar Association. An organization who's approval was always accepted before, until that is Justice Janice Brown. You know, the Black lady who President Bush nominated to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The ones the Democrats trashed and villified. Yet, black voters apparently didn't have a problem with that. Nor, oddly enough, did the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). Why? She had grown up from parents who had been Share Croppers, she grew up in racism and poverty. And, just look at what she's made of herself! She became a judge. No wonder the Democrats hated her so much! She pulled herself up by her own boot straps! She's a self made woman! Now, the NAACP. Why wouldn't they support her. Oh! I know! She's CONSERVATIVE. Apparently, the NAACP should change their name to the NAALCP (National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People). Apparently, you can only be black if you're Liberal. Hmm. Make a mental note. Clarence Thomas is out of his mind........
Now, back to the White guy nominated, John G. Roberts. You'll hear all kinds of excuses as to why he shouldn't be a U.S. Supreme Court Judge. They'll be looking a lot at his record. He's got a great record of sticking to the Constitution. He interprets it very intentionally, he tries to stay honest to what it says, and, what he feels the Founding Fathers would mean in what they wrote in the U.S. Constitution. However, that's what the Democrats say they want. So, pay special attention to their actions. In the questions they ask, will they be asking about how he views the Constitution, or, will they have an agenda? Judge Roberts has made it clear that he believes that roe was mis-judged and mis-decided. That is, he feels it was decided incorrectly. Have you ever looked at the Amendments the U.S. Constitution are claimed to support abortion? Well, that's another discussion for another time. However, Judge Roberts clearly stated that although he feels that the case of Roe v. Wade was mis-decided, it is currently the rule of law that is to be followed. So, he would abide by that decision. Presumably until a time when another case comes before him in which there may be room for interpretation. So, with that said, will the Liberals accept him, or deny him? He states he will be following the rule of law, and the Constitution. So, it seems as though he's a good candidate. But, if something should come before him later, might he decide differently? Listen to what the Democrats say, but even more so, watch what they do!
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