Sheehan-the REAL agenda........

We have all seen the sympathy that Cindy Sheehan has received on the media. In fact, many in the media have argued that she's not getting enough press! Really? Wow, well, I just don't remember any press coverage on the Pro-Bush Supporters down there in Crawford, Texas which were camped out, more or less, right across the street from Camp Casey. You wouldn't know it by the media coverage though would you? In fact, I don't recall any television news coverage on the opposite view point. Yet, the media isn't biased. Anyone who believes there is no media bias needs a brain scan, seriously. If coverage were to focus completely on the pro-Bush Supporters and nothing on Sheehan, wouldn't Liberals be crying about that being biased? So, why doesn't it work the other way?
Well, in any case, the question needs to be asked: Did Cindy Sheehan have an agenda with this war protest? She recently made an appearance on the Bill Maher show "Real Time with Bill Maher". Actually, she made the appearance via satellite because she can hardly leave Camp Casey, now can she? Bill asks her how she's doing. Her response? She's doing great. Hmmm, great huh? That's an odd answer isn't it? I mean, she's been whinning about how her son died in vain, he was killed in a war that the U.S. shouldn't be involved in and she's been going on and on about how President Bush won't meet with her (which, incidentally, he did. Right after Casey Sheehan was killed, President Bush DID meet with Cindy, as well as others who lost children soldiers in Iraq). Further, it's very well known that Cindy had to leave because her mom had a stroke. Yet, Cindy's doing great! Well rock on baby, you go girl! It's so nice that you're doing so great after all the tragedy!
Cindy goes on to say that she is "...glad he didn't meet with me, because I'm glad all of this happened. It's amazing. It's wonderful. And we've jump-started the peace movement." She goes on to say that they're going to end the war sooner too. Well, let's look at this statement. She's glad that President Bush didn't meet with her. So, it could be argued then that she never really expected President Bush to meet with her, she is really glad that she single handedly began the peace movement again. Well, that sounds like an agenda, doesn't it? It seems that she really simply wanted to begin the peace movement again, perhaps it was convenient that her son was killed so she could begin it again. I mean, that's really sarcastic, I mean no disrespect to her son. I think I actually have more respect for what Casey died for than Cindy does actually. So, Cindy's glad she didn't meet with the president. Ok then, why stay in Crawford where he's at? If you are glad he didn't meet with you, and she's not a moron-she couldn't have honestly expected him to meet with her, then why not just hold your protest somewhere else? The media certainly would have come to you.
Cindy then goes on to call President Bush a liar. She was going to call him "...on his lies." Yet, she never states what she feels he lied about. She claims that President Bush doesn't believe that the war in Iraq really has anything to do with the War on Terror. She states she doesn't believe it, and President Bush doesn't either. How would she know what President Bush believes? According to her, he won't talk to her, so, how would she know? She can only assume she knows, but no! She states he knows Iraq has nothing to do with the War on Terror. It's a fact! At least, according to her.
Cindy then goes on to say that we're not there in Iraq for Freedom and Democracy. Nope, that's not why we're there. Never mind we've helped Iraq to assemble a new Democratic Government that were voted on by the Iraqi people (remember all those purple stained fingers that the media couldn't ignore because it was such a big story?), they've drafted a new Constitution, albeit, it will probably be rejected because the Sunni's will not get all the power for the first time in their lives. They don't like sharing power, and so if they can't have it all, they'll simply throw a wrench into the entire thing! Cindy goes on to say that "...We would all want to protect America and protect our community if we had to. But not die for...You know, that would never be worth it." So, America is not dying for is it? Hmmm. I wonder, if like other Liberals, she supports the troops? Doesn't sound like she's supporting the troops does it? If America isn't worth dying for, then you can't possibly support the troops, because anyone joining the military knows there's at least a chance they'll have to go somewhere where they MIGHT die. Obviously, the troops believe America is worth dying for. So, it appears that she doesn't believe America is worth dying for. Sheehan...hmmm. Doesn't sound French. To read the interview on Maher's show, use this link:
She acknowledges that people don't like her, that's because they take a different view on the war in Iraq, but, apparently, that's not a valid opinion to her. Hers is the only correct opinion. That's it. She does not speak for everyone in the military, and, many military families have a different opinion. She needs to allow them to disagree with her. Just as she is allowed to speak her opinion, she needs to allow them to have theirs as well. Then again, the media should allow for that too, but hey, at least they're not biased! Notice the picture at the top. Wow! Cindy with President Bush! Guess she did meet with him already! Now who's the liar?
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